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NH Citizens Homeland Security Association - New Group

Started by CNHT, June 30, 2007, 11:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on June 30, 2007, 11:16 AM NHFT
Just posted this on the NHLC:


Edit: It is incredible the amount of activites going on this week:

June 30 - Party at Cal's (that's tonight folks!)
July 1 - Party at Kevin's and NH Homeland Security Group Meeting
July 3 - Rock'n Ron Paul evening
July 4 - (2) Ron Paul Events and Recoil Day Gathering
July 7 - MVP Meeting (I've asked Shuvom if he wants to have it at the fairgrounds) CNHT Picnic/Straw Poll and Party at Joe and Denise's at night.


What does the Homeland Sec. group do?

I haven't heard of them before...


I was wondering the same.

While I'm here, could I politely request you fill me in on this "recoil day" festivity on the fourth, as well???  Preferably via PM (you can post it here and copy/paste it to a PM) cause I don't check the forum every day.  Why not throw some more info in about the CNHT picnic too.


All info I got was posted on www.nhlibertycalendar.org

You'll have to use the contact info there.

I posted TONS of info on the calendar date for the CNHT picnic.
It's pretty much all you can eat! Just buy a ticket and show up.

That's all on the NHLC and CNHT.org front page too.