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NAU is planned, immigration crisis used to manipulate us into biometrics!

Started by CNHT, July 19, 2007, 02:41 AM NHFT

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Tom Tancredo, like others in the GOP debates, advocated biometrics for all Americans several times....which is why I don't understand why the so-called 'religious right' crowd could support him! (They are mostly who does) They are known to vehemently oppose that sort of thing...

I could never vote for someone who believes we need biometrics either. But read on as to how they might be forced upon us....

Recently Bush met with Canadian and Mexican officials  in Canada to plan for the NAU highway and some sort of Tribunal style government that would include all three countries, superceding our US Constitution.


Alternative meetings were planned to discuss the prospect and what to do about it but the Royal Mounted Canadian Police and US Army were called out to prevent them.

RCMP and US Army block public forum:
(Full article below)

Elitist Robert Pastor, admittedly a planner, says they don't want a fence to keep illegals out, they prefer biometrics...and that having no fence is a good excuse to impose them on the people. (At least, a fence is physical, and doesn't track you...but by ignoring the borders, and then saying illegal immigration is out of control, is the excuse for biometrics and just what I have said would happen all along)

"Pastor acknowledged that the U.S. Government doesn't want to enforce its immigration laws. He said, however, that the solution is not a fence, except in some isolated high-crime areas along the border, and it's not to punish companies for hiring illegal aliens, since identity documents can be too easily forged. He said the solution is a national biometric and fraud-proof identification card that identifies national origin and legal status."

Since elitist David Rockefeller (R) promised Clinton (D) the presidency while he was still in college, and we do know how Clinton eventually fulfilled his duty to the shadow government in order to reap that reward, (he went on to aid CIA's GHW Bush allowing illicit cargoes of drugs into Mena, Arkansas -- there are still pilots who have fled with their families to other countries to escape being jailed for telling their story of flying cocaine-laden planes into the tiny airstrip, and Clinton and Bush Sr are the best of friends) we've know that the left/right, R/D paradigm is a sham that the people can no longer believe.

Sadly, while these elitist criminals who run the world are planning the demise of our country, the dumb public sits idly by watching American Idol and going to Disneyland.

Maybe we should move to Idaho where they've blocked the NAU:

NH needs to block this too! I think someone tried to pass a law to keep us out of it, and it was voted down. We should see who voted against it.

Where is the media on this? Quoting the elitist Rockefeller, if not for the media cooperation, the plant to implement this 'new world order' would never have succeeded because people would never have accepted the loss of sovereignty, but now they will be begging for it.

He said: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
-- David Rockefeller... Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

10 most underreported stories of 2006
WND readers, editors compile annual 'Operation Spike' list
Posted: January 3, 2007

The controversial movement to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada into what critics call a "North American Union" – in the face of what is already a massive, national illegal immigration and border security crisis – tops the list of the 10 most "spiked" or underreported stories of the last year, according to an annual WND survey.

At the end of each year, news organizations typically present their retrospective replays of what they consider to have been the top news stories in the previous 12 months.

WND's editors, however, have long considered it far more newsworthy to publicize the most important unreported or underreported news events of the year – to highlight perhaps for one last time major news stories that were undeservedly "spiked" by the establishment press.

WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah has sponsored "Operation Spike" every year since 1988, and since founding WorldNetDaily in May 1997, he has continued the annual tradition.

Here, with our readers' help, are WorldNetDaily editors' picks for the 10 most underreported stories of 2006:

1. Plans under way for North American Union: While most Americans consider their nation's unsecured borders and the resulting flood of illegal immigrants to be among the country's most dire problems, the U.S. government – inexplicably – is engaged in progressively de-emphasizing those borders while integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a North American "superstate."

Although most in the media regard the notion of a merger agenda as sheer conspiracy theory, an increasing number of high-level voices – including congressmen like Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul, and newsmen like CNN's Lou Dobbs who calls the government's actions on this issue "unconscionable" and "Orwellian" – are sounding the alarm over recent moves in the direction of a de facto North American Union.

For example, confirmation has surfaced that the U.S. government will indeed provide full Social Security benefits to Mexicans – which critics predict will bankrupt the already-shaky system. And a report by the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, regarded by many as something of a "shadow government," has called for a massive transfer of wealth from the U.S. to Mexico and the establishment of a "security perimeter" around North America – rather than securing America's borders with Mexico and Canada.

WND tells the whole story, as it's never been told before (including the possibility of a new North American currency, the "amero") in the January 2007 edition of its acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled "PREMEDITATED MERGER: How our leaders are stealthily transforming the U.S.A. into the North American Union."

2. Wave of murders and other crimes by illegal aliens: Though most of the media don't report it as such, and no government agencies are keeping tabs on it, there is an explosion of crime in the United States attributable to illegal aliens. [This is just what they want so they can scream 'biometrics'!]

Last month, for instance, WND reported that more Americans were murdered this year by illegal aliens than the combined death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since those military campaigns began.

In another disturbing expose, WND reported that a wave of illegal-immigrant gang rapes is sweeping the U.S. while public officials and law-enforcement authorities fear drawing the link.

As Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, a Ph.D. researcher of violent crimes, told WorldNetDaily: "It appears as if there is a fear that if this is honestly discussed, people will hate all illegal immigrants. So there is silence. ... But in being silent about the rapes and murders, it is as if the victims never even existed." [Not so much fear of the immigrants, but fearful of why this is being allowed to happen, a created crisis as described by Rockefeller?]

Even on the nation's highways, record high numbers of unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured drivers – many of whom are illegal aliens – are driving up the numbers of highway deaths in the U.S.


Here is the full article referenced above about the Canadian meeting that I fear might be removed so I am printing it here. Why on earth would the US Army and the Royal Mounted Canadian Police have to be called out to prevent a meeting of "writers, academics and parliamentarians" who want to discuss the NAU?

RCMP, U.S. Army block public forum on the Security and Prosperity Partnership
Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Council of Canadians has been told it will not be allowed to rent a municipal community centre for a public forum it had planned to coincide with the next Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit in Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and 21.

The Municipality of Papineauville, which is about six kilometres from Montebello, has informed the Council of Canadians that the RCMP, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) and the U.S. Army will not allow the municipality to rent the Centre Communautaire de Papineauville for a public forum on Sunday August 19, on the eve of the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership Leaders Summit.

"It is deplorable that we are being prevented from bringing together a panel of writers, academics and parliamentarians to share their concerns about the Security and Prosperity Partnership with Canadians," said Brent Patterson, director of organizing with the Council of Canadians. "Meanwhile, six kilometres away, corporate leaders from the United States, Mexico and Canada will have unimpeded access to our political leaders."

As well as being shut out of Papineauville, the Council of Canadians has been told that the RCMP and the SQ will be enforcing a 25-kilometre security perimeter around the Chateau Montebello, where Stephen Harper will meet with George W. Bush and Felipe Calderón on August 20 and 21. According to officials in Montebello, there will be checkpoints at Thurso and Hawkesbury, and vehicles carrying more than five people will be turned back.

Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada's largest citizens' organization, with members and chapters across the country. The organization works to protect Canadian independence by promoting progressive policies on fair trade, clean water, safe food, public health care, and other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians.

Conclusion: I suppose that having to submit to a government we neither voted for nor approved will be just the excuse not to recognize it.

Tom Sawyer

WND is a suspect source. I did a quick search regarding "gang rape" + "Illegals" and mostly found references to the WND articles.

WND seems to reference, almost exclusively, to  "Deborah Schurman-Kauflin" Ph.D who when you filter through her hyperbola she claims "gang rape took place in .007% of the cases".

Hardly "a wave of illegal-immigrant gang rapes is sweeping the U.S." as WND claims.


I can't vouch for that but what I found disturbing was Pastor's admission that it is better to use the vast amount of immigrants coming in to justify a biometrics card. That was a direct quote..

So the question is, looks like they're going to say it's needed rather than suggesting reforming immigration policies to accommodate the increasing numbers who'd like to come in....they will instead USE those numbers against us...as what I've suspected all along. This just confirmed my suspicions.