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Cat Paw Prints

Started by Kat Kanning, July 25, 2007, 12:58 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Last week when we were leaving for the IRS, my neighbor stopped Russell and complained that our cat was leaving paw prints on his car.  He wanted us to stop the cat from doing this, or wash it off.  Russell said he guessed we'd wash them off every so often, since there'd be no training the cat.  The guy acted like he was being nice, not going to the park managers.   ::)  So now I get a letter from the park saying if we don't take care of the problem, we'd have to get rid of the cat.  I guess the guy complained to the park anyway.  You think this is too much in reply?

Dear Neighbor,

I was about to buy you a cover for your car, to keep the cat pawprints off.  Now I guess I won't be doing that.  All I can say is Petty.  People are dying daily in Iraq, being tortured in Guantanamo, arrested in this country and held without charges or trial, and you're worried about cat paw prints on your car.  I cannot fathom what an insipid, meaningless life you must lead.

Kat Kanning


I don't think it goes far enough. Tell him how you really feel.

Lloyd Danforth

If he is that trite, he could be a problem if further disturbed.  I'd wait until I was leaving the park.

Pat K

What a dick. But Lloyd is right.
Just leave it, this guy is looking for trouble.


How does he have proof that it is YOUR cat?

Unlike fingerprints (at least before the case of Brandon Mayfield), cat paw prints are NOT unique; tell him that your cat pleads not guilty.