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Started by SpeedPhreak, July 17, 2007, 01:03 PM NHFT

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I have been "investing" (read - gambling) in HYIP for about a year now.  After wading through a lot of scams & cashing out on the few legit programs I found I am up about 10% - I am going to stick w/FOREX from now on.

For those that don't know - HYIP is High Yield Investment Program.  Most are a scam & you should probably stay away - it really is more like gambling.  In my experience 90% or more rip you off at one point or another (some pay a couple times then run - others just run).

The reason I am writing this is to give info on a program I am in that is closing at the end of August & we need to get 23k more members by then or ??  Right now we are getting about 2500 new members a week.  I never posted this before because I didn't want to be responsible for anyone losing money if this program is a scam - so beware.  However, I really "want" to see this program finish & not end because of a technicality...

Check it out & decide if you have 30euros lying around in an e-gold/1mdc account to take a chance with (I know I can blow twice that on a night on the town).



sounds like a scam to me...just like every other alleged high-yield investment plan that's ever existed.


I am vastly amused by the "securing your connection" redirection page dumping you at a plain old non-SSL HTTP page... :D


Quote from: MatthewDP on July 19, 2007, 03:47 PM NHFT
sounds like a scam to me...just like every other alleged high-yield investment plan that's ever existed.

thats why i call it gambling - most are scams & of the ones that do pay they usually eventually turn into a scam too.  threw some luck in getting out of some scams at the right time I am up overall... but I am done after this one & 1 other that i have been with for almost a year.  I would rather concentrate on FOREX - which reminds me penguin - are still doing your thing?

like i said - if you gamble; you can blow it in vegas or you can try this.