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Want your videos played on national TV, and get paid?

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 31, 2007, 05:03 PM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

http://www.current.tv is in some ways similar to youtube, but if your video is popular enough, it gets played on national TV and you get paid for it.  I think that it is played on Comcast channel 107.  I know there are some pretty good videographers in this group, so if this sounds good to you, check it out.  By the way, I was interviewed by a reporter for them recently.


Recumbent ReCycler


Yep, what I thought.... they bought NWI and turned it into Current.


Current TV is an independent media company led by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, and businessman Joel Hyatt. The cable television network went on the air at midnight EDT (4:00 UTC) on the morning of August 1, 2005. A second network, operated in the United Kingdom and Ireland started its operation March 12, 2007 for Sky and Virgin Media subscribers.