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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by slimpickens, September 22, 2007, 06:31 PM NHFT

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Hello everyone,

I"m new here, and after reading many of the topics and posts, I'm still not sure just what the NH people are trying to accomplish.
I'm familiar with many of  the governments crimes and the police state, that most people don't owe income tax. social security is voluntary, Real-ID, NAU, Amero, NWO, CFR, world banking financing wars etc, ...  I'm thrilled to find a active group of people actually protesting and helping each other.

what are you hoping to accomplish?




Liberty in our lifetime.

Individuals have different ideas about what that means.   Though, most are not content to sit in quiet affirmation of the police state.       

Challenge, provoke, expose, reform, revolt, withdraw, subvert -- or countless other acts. 

Is all this vain scrabbling against the Beast?  Perhaps.   But you'll feel alive with the awareness of your individual autonomy.


The New Hampshire liberty movement comprises everyone who opposes the status quo and wishes to change this status quo by making government smaller and increasing individual liberty and responsibility. (as opposed to those who oppose the status quo and wish to change it with more government and more regulation; 'progressives', neoconservatives, et cetera) They range from anarchists to those simply seeking to reduce government back to Constitutional levels, like Ron Paul is advocating.

Some current issues being fought are the smoking ban, keeping the state free of seatbelt and helmet laws, deregulating gun ownership further, fighting REAL ID - I'm not even IN NH (and I doubt I'll ever be considering the odds) but I'm sure someone 'in the field' could fill you in further on the specifics.


Where are you at, Slim?  Some of us would love to fill you in on what's going on.  Are you in New Hampshire?  There are people working both in and out of the system to achieve a smaller, more efficient, less intrusive government.

I personally would like for the feds to come to Taproom Tuesdays so we can have a nice chat...


I'm in north Carolina, formerly from MN.
i have experienced, 2nd hand thru family, all that the browns have and more. over the past 25 yrs

I will be down here for 6-12 months more to finish up a contractual agreement.
is it possible to PM here?


Slim, a few things to be aware of:

1) There are many more Free-Staters than post on this Forum. Indeed, posters here represent a minority of the total.
2) Nobody speaks for "all of us" ... we ain't no steenking collective :)

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