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New Porc411 message

Started by Braddogg, August 13, 2007, 11:50 AM NHFT

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The following Porc 411 message was left at 12:04 PM, and contained critical information.  The following is a direct transcription, in its entirety, of the message:


Is there something we can do about these messages, error?


Ignore them?

When the enemy is resorting to such tactics, you know they're getting frustrated -- and can see that they're wrong.

Russell Kanning

if we give out the number publicly ... the public will use it.

to me it is amusing

Dave Ridley

probably better not to post messages about urgent 411 calls unless there really is an urgent 411 call
i kinda learned that the hard way myself...


Duly noted, Dada.  I changed the title of my original post.


I feel that one or two of these prank calls is no big deal. I listened to it, then deleted it.


Does it record the calling number?  If so make a list of the numbers who are calling and leaving the prank calls.

Sam Adams

Perhaps it was just someone who wanted to express his opinion of government lovers. :)


Quote from: lildog on August 13, 2007, 03:36 PM NHFT
Does it record the calling number?  If so make a list of the numbers who are calling and leaving the prank calls.

You obviously aren't subscribed. Go rectify that now. :)

This message seems to have come in on Skype, which is very popular among the crank-calling crowd. So I've blocked Skype.