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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Ron Paul on ATG Tomorrow, and Matt Simon on Decriminalization

Started by Gard, August 20, 2007, 12:16 AM NHFT

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I listened yesterday streaming live, but won't be able to usually. Yeah, podcasts! Although I'm now three months behind on Free Talk Live, as more and more good content is posted all over. Once we are able to get CNHT taxpayer radio, I will have to convert to subliminal 24-hour listening.  ;) Here is my current queue:

Free Talk Live
Liberty Conspiracy
Latest Mises Media
Cato Daily Podcast
Science Friday
The Signal
Harry Browne
NOVA Science Now
Grammar Girl

Plus books: For a New Liberty, The Ethics of Liberty, What has Government Done to Our Money

I have to say, I don't miss reading the paper each day. I read the Chicago Tribune cover-to-cover every day for 30+ years. Now I get opinion and content from podcasts on my commute, and news from RSS feeds.