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Local government as it ought to be!

Started by KBCraig, August 17, 2007, 02:40 AM NHFT

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From way up in the corner of NH, just before it starts becoming north of Quebec:


Poop in the park: Where's our common decency?

Colebrook News and Sentinel

ON JULY 18 the Stewartstown selectmen published a notice that ranks among the best-worded town government edicts we've ever read. "It has been reported," the notice reads, "that the Stewartstown Park is being used as a place where one may 'curb' their dog and walk away contented. We are asking that this practice stop.

"Remember, our children and others play and gather there. It may not be Central Park or a Six Flags Theme Park, but it's ours and it's paid for. Let's all act responsibly, show a little pride and help keep the park clean; prevent the need for still another town ordinance, rule, regulation or whatever."

Hear, hear, and other towns should take note, too. Leaving one's dog mess in a public park or a sidewalk is a despicable, disgusting practice, but for many it seems to be acceptable. The notice's call for people to have some pride in what they own is priceless -- pride, like a healthy dose of shame, does not seem to be a factor these days in how people choose to conduct themselves.

And the board's desire not to have to adopt yet another ordinance to govern what should be basic common courtesy is well put. Town officials should not have to waste their time on rules to make sure people clean up after themselves, or their dogs. It's a sad commentary that it bears mentioning at all.



If they're "forced" to take action and pass an ordnance, I'd like to see it read the following:

"It shall hereforth be determined that it is bad to leave dog poop on the ground in a public setting.  Therefore, be it resolved that all citizens shall be empowered to help with the removal of the aforementioned poop.  Be it also resolved that any citizens who find such poop on the ground and fling said poop at the owner of the dog who left such poop, shall not be liable for any civil or criminal charges."


Did you know that in NYC it's a $1,000 fine if you leave dog poop on the sidewalk?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Ogre on August 17, 2007, 08:50 AM NHFT

If they're "forced" to take action and pass an ordnance, I'd like to see it read the following:

"It shall hereforth be determined that it is bad to leave dog poop on the ground in a public setting.  Therefore, be it resolved that all citizens shall be empowered to help with the removal of the aforementioned poop.  Be it also resolved that any citizens who find such poop on the ground and fling said poop at the owner of the dog who left such poop, shall not be liable for any civil or criminal charges."


Did you know that in NYC it's a $1,000 fine if you leave dog poop on the sidewalk?

That's not all New York fines people for.


it is ok to leave human poop on the sidewalks?



Yes folks, pick up after your pooches.

1. Let dog poop
2. Open bag, insert poop.
3. Put bag on legislator's doorstep
4. Light bag on fire
5. Ring doorbell
6. Run
7. If caught, claim the state drove you to it.