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Can I get a little love here?

Started by Grunt, January 08, 2005, 06:56 PM NHFT

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Well, Ill let some other group of brave adventureres explore that particular area.  8)

Kat Kanning

Having three porcs staying here while others were visiting even has worked peacebly enough.  The butter thing sounds like fun, though.

Dave Ridley

Quote from: Grunt on January 10, 2005, 10:13 PM NHFT
Would a gaggle of Porcs in one building be possible? Or would it fall into the "too many chefs spoil the soup" category. I cant help but wonder. Though its every bit as possible each Porc would respect the others and refrain from running through the halls covered in butter while wielding a rubber chicken. Maybe.

We discussed something like this a LONG time ago when I was more into neighborhood watch and survivalism:


though all three things still interest me....  Also no reason why it couldn't be a condo rather than an apartment complex.