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zombie synchronicity

Started by Friday, September 10, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Friday on September 10, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
OK, this is really weird...

I like to read while I eat.  And the past few days, I have been reading an issue of Liberty magazine at mealtimes.  Not the current issue, mind you, the April 2007 issue, for no particular reason, it was just at hand.  And last night at dinner I was reading an odd article that seems to be a serious dissertation on George Romero's zombie philosophy, as well as a review of a new book called "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" by Max Brooks.  Zombies and libertarian philosophy, what are the odds, right??  So it's a long article, and I only got halfway through it at last night's dinner.  I overslept this morning and didn't have time to read at breakfast.  At around 6:00PM this evening, I suddenly receive an email from an old friend I haven't heard from in a year.  This friend is a little, well, crazy.  The entire content of the email is a hyperlink.  To what?  A complete, online edition of "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks.  And then an hour later, at dinner, I finish the zombie article, and it talks about how World War Z is the followup to The Zombie Survival Guide.

This has got to mean something... I'm just not sure what.  Crazy friend is psychic?  The apocalypse is at hand?  I'm experiencing zombie kismet?   :o


Interesting... last night I was watching Futurama and they had a funny line about Libertarian Zombies that struck me funny.


Quote from: lildog on September 11, 2007, 11:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on September 10, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
OK, this is really weird...

I like to read while I eat.  And the past few days, I have been reading an issue of Liberty magazine at mealtimes.  Not the current issue, mind you, the April 2007 issue, for no particular reason, it was just at hand.  And last night at dinner I was reading an odd article that seems to be a serious dissertation on George Romero's zombie philosophy, as well as a review of a new book called "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" by Max Brooks.  Zombies and libertarian philosophy, what are the odds, right??  So it's a long article, and I only got halfway through it at last night's dinner.  I overslept this morning and didn't have time to read at breakfast.  At around 6:00PM this evening, I suddenly receive an email from an old friend I haven't heard from in a year.  This friend is a little, well, crazy.  The entire content of the email is a hyperlink.  To what?  A complete, online edition of "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks.  And then an hour later, at dinner, I finish the zombie article, and it talks about how World War Z is the followup to The Zombie Survival Guide.

This has got to mean something... I'm just not sure what.  Crazy friend is psychic?  The apocalypse is at hand?  I'm experiencing zombie kismet?   :o


Interesting... last night I was watching Futurama and they had a funny line about Libertarian Zombies that struck me funny.

:o   :Bolt:


I was walking down the streets of Boston a week or two ago, and I was adjusting the volume on my iPod, when I look up and see two zombies with out-stretched arms lurching toward my brain!  They were pretty close.  They were pale, had weird grins on their faces, bulging eyes, scraggly hair, and weren't so much into hygiene.  I jumped back into a defensive boxing position (though I've never boxed before).  They weren't terribly agile, though, so it wasn't too hard to dodge them.  They kept walking down the street -- with their two fat Jamaican lady friends.  Turns out they were just mentally handicapped and out for a walk :blush: Thankfully I wasn't carrying, otherwise I would have capped those zombie-esque mentally retarded folk.  That's my policy -- lurch for my brains, and I'll ask your (second) corpse the questions.


Quote from: Friday on September 11, 2007, 11:45 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on September 11, 2007, 11:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on September 10, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
OK, this is really weird...

I like to read while I eat.  And the past few days, I have been reading an issue of Liberty magazine at mealtimes.  Not the current issue, mind you, the April 2007 issue, for no particular reason, it was just at hand.  And last night at dinner I was reading an odd article that seems to be a serious dissertation on George Romero's zombie philosophy, as well as a review of a new book called "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" by Max Brooks.  Zombies and libertarian philosophy, what are the odds, right??  So it's a long article, and I only got halfway through it at last night's dinner.  I overslept this morning and didn't have time to read at breakfast.  At around 6:00PM this evening, I suddenly receive an email from an old friend I haven't heard from in a year.  This friend is a little, well, crazy.  The entire content of the email is a hyperlink.  To what?  A complete, online edition of "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks.  And then an hour later, at dinner, I finish the zombie article, and it talks about how World War Z is the followup to The Zombie Survival Guide.

This has got to mean something... I'm just not sure what.  Crazy friend is psychic?  The apocalypse is at hand?  I'm experiencing zombie kismet?   :o


Interesting... last night I was watching Futurama and they had a funny line about Libertarian Zombies that struck me funny.

:o   :Bolt:

Firday, I think it's a sign!

Maybe we're destined to get together and make moaning sounds like zombies  ;D   ;)


I read World War Z. Excellent book. I'm thinking about getting the Zombie Survival Guide.

WWZ isn't a "sequel" to the ZSG, by the way. ZSG is a field-manual style survival guide for dealing with zombies, and includes "technical information" about Mel Brooks's particular incarnation of the idea. WWZ is an oral history of a fictional near-future "war" with a massive global zombie epidemic, based on the same type of zombies outlined in the ZSG.

I've never particularly cared for horror-type books, but I really enjoyed World War Z. Probably because the books reads just like any other oral history, and treats the epidemic as an absolutely real, historical event rather than a scary bedtime story. I highly recommend it.


Quote from: ThePug on September 11, 2007, 11:36 PM NHFT
WWZ isn't a "sequel" to the ZSG, by the way.
I didn't say WWZ is the "sequel" to ZSG; I said it's the "followup".
QuoteZSG is a field-manual style survival guide for dealing with zombies, and includes "technical information" about Mel Brooks's particular incarnation of the idea.
Let me guess... it features Yiddish, slapstick humor and fart jokes.  ;D

If you don't want to pay for ZSG, here it is online: http://www.scribd.com/doc/30232/The-Zombie-Survival-Guide-Complete-Protection-from-the-Living-Dead


Quote from: Friday on September 12, 2007, 06:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on September 11, 2007, 11:36 PM NHFT
WWZ isn't a "sequel" to the ZSG, by the way.
I didn't say WWZ is the "sequel" to ZSG; I said it's the "followup".

Picky, picky.  ;)

QuoteZSG is a field-manual style survival guide for dealing with zombies, and includes "technical information" about Mel Brooks's particular incarnation of the idea.
Let me guess... it features Yiddish, slapstick humor and fart jokes.  ;D

If I recall correctly, Max Brooks is Mel Brook's son. So I'm not that far off. Again, picky!  ;)


If you don't want to pay for ZSG, here it is online: http://www.scribd.com/doc/30232/The-Zombie-Survival-Guide-Complete-Protection-from-the-Living-Dead

Cool, thanks.


I've heard that libertarians have the tastiest brains.


Quote from: ThePug on September 12, 2007, 04:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on September 12, 2007, 06:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on September 11, 2007, 11:36 PM NHFT
WWZ isn't a "sequel" to the ZSG, by the way.
I didn't say WWZ is the "sequel" to ZSG; I said it's the "followup".

Picky, picky.  ;)

QuoteZSG is a field-manual style survival guide for dealing with zombies, and includes "technical information" about Mel Brooks's particular incarnation of the idea.
Let me guess... it features Yiddish, slapstick humor and fart jokes.  ;D

If I recall correctly, Max Brooks is Mel Brook's son. So I'm not that far off. Again, picky!  ;)

Awwww, look... KBCraig Jr. smited me on a thread about zombies.  Ain't that cute. 


Quote from: Friday on September 12, 2007, 08:32 PM NHFT
Awwww, look... KBCraig Jr. smited me on a thread about zombies.  Ain't that cute. 

Last time I checked, there's no way to tell who smited you, nor for which post.

You must have ESPN!  ;)


Smited?  :) Shouldn't it be smote?


Quote from: Insurgent on September 12, 2007, 08:43 PM NHFT
Smited?  :) Shouldn't it be smote?

I seem to recall Andy Griffith conjugated it as "I smite, you smote, he done smoted".


I thought it was "You smelt it. You dealt it."


Quote from: Friday on September 12, 2007, 08:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on September 12, 2007, 04:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on September 12, 2007, 06:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on September 11, 2007, 11:36 PM NHFT
WWZ isn't a "sequel" to the ZSG, by the way.
I didn't say WWZ is the "sequel" to ZSG; I said it's the "followup".

Picky, picky.  ;)

QuoteZSG is a field-manual style survival guide for dealing with zombies, and includes "technical information" about Mel Brooks's particular incarnation of the idea.
Let me guess... it features Yiddish, slapstick humor and fart jokes.  ;D

If I recall correctly, Max Brooks is Mel Brook's son. So I'm not that far off. Again, picky!  ;)

Awwww, look... KBCraig Jr. smited me on a thread about zombies.  Ain't that cute. 

Uh... no I didn't. Why would I? Lighten up.  :P