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Vee vill make you healthy!

Started by Pat K, September 03, 2007, 01:22 AM NHFT

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Pat K


 "The whole idea is a continuum of care, basically from birth to death," (Edwards) said.

Womb to the tomb! Edwards/Huckabee, a fusion ticket for '08!  :puke:


..another attempted "forced check-in" to vaccinate the people with poisons and recklessly medicate them.

umm..no thanks, dont call me, I'll call you..addios.

people in whitecoats scare me (thye are carzy too!)



It'll only cost $120 Billion? I suck at math, but isn't that only $320 per citizen(figure 375M pop) ? Not a lot of extra money for the usual bribes, kickbacks, etc. Perhaps they figure to rapidly reduce the population >:D


I read this thread title and kept looking for a "V for Vendetta" linkage...  :blush:  OK, I get it now.  In my defense, I just started my first cup of coffee.

Anyway, I can't believe a serious Presidential contender thinks this way.  For @#$%'s sake, even DOGS and CATS don't have mandatory checkups.  Such arrogance.  And of course, HE will never have to be subjected to a mammogram. 

self-editing the rest of this post cuz you can't even have fun threatening fantasy mandatory proctological examinations against elected officials anymore without fear of it being taken seriously by humorless jack-booted thugs  >:(


If this shit happens, it's truly time to go off the grid! It's bad enough that we have to register our cars every year, but our bodies? This is the kind of thing that ought to wake people up to just how fascist our government has become.


Thermography is much safer than mammography. Mammograms are radiation generated. Not good.



Shovelling snow helps to keep a person healthy...

Little Owl

They'll need to tighten up the gun control laws before they try this one.


I want mandatory politician registration, so they can be harassed at all times when they fuck up royal.

Pat K

Quote from: penguins4me on September 03, 2007, 09:59 AM NHFT
Shovelling snow helps to keep a person healthy...

You know if I had not adopted the ZAP I would find you and sit on you. ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Friday on September 03, 2007, 08:42 AM NHFT
.  In my defense, I just started my first cup of coffee.
Thank Goodness!  A Coffee Drinker!  I'm surrounded by people who don't drink it, except for my host who won't drink from beans roasted more than a couple of minutes!

QuoteHE will never have to be subjected to a mammogram. 

We could consider this a requirement for 'public service'


Edwards is pissed that his wife didn't get regular checkups:

QuoteHe noted, for example, that women would be required to have regular mammograms in an effort to find and treat "the first trace of problem." Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, announced earlier this year that her breast cancer had returned and spread.


Quote from: dalebert on September 03, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT
If this shit happens, it's truly time to go off the grid! It's bad enough that we have to register our cars every year, but our bodies? This is the kind of thing that ought to wake people up to just how fascist our government has become.

Really! :)  It is starting to feel like I'm living in one of those sci-fi movies from the 80's and 90's! 


I think I'm going to support Edwards now.  Implementing this policy will be sure to bring more converts to freedom -- I just picture the health police showing up to arrest someone and take them to their medical checkups.