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CNHT Monthly Meeting/NASCAR INFO

Started by CNHT, September 05, 2007, 01:56 PM NHFT

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Join CNHT at their office at 136 North Main Street #8, Concord, for their monthly meeting at 9 AM on Saturday September 8th, 2007. Parking downtown is free on Saturdays. Invite your friends. Bring your questions about town government. The office is across the street from the statehouse, first corner.

The meeting will be conducted by Chairman Ed Naile. Please send agenda items to me before Friday noon and I will pass them on to Ed.

IMPORTANT: Coming up on September 15th-16th is the traditional NASCAR weekend. Due to the fact there will be a large rally and straw poll in Manchester on the 16th, it might be wise (just my suggestion) to encourage people to work the track on the 15th instead. A reminder notice about NASCAR volunteerism should be sent to all memberships involved ASAP concerning guidance on this matter, as I know many people will be attending the straw poll in Manchester who might have otherwise done the NASCAR fundraiser.

To volunteer for NASCAR, please write to treasurer (at) nhliberty (dot) org
NOTE: On the 8th, two 'porcupines', Llalania Marble and Shuvom Ghose, will be getting married and many people will be attending. Congratulations LL and Shuvom!  Others who are not attending I assume may still want to have lunch at the Apple Buffet on Loudon Road in conjunction with Concord-area Porcupines, as usual. I did not hear from Seth about this. The CNHT meeting people usually head there since the food is inexpensive and abundant. :-)


Seth has cancelled the official meeting but someone asked that others still meet there at that time - can't remember who.