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R U Anti-war?

Started by kola, October 07, 2007, 10:35 PM NHFT

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Quote from: kola on October 07, 2007, 10:35 PM NHFT
welcome to the feds database.

Screw them and their database, I've probably been on it for awhile anyway. Thanks for posting this though! :)


WOW, that is so wrong. Another reason to guard your privacy to extreme measures.

The question of whether or not you are anti war is kind of a ruse. Of course everyone should be against Bush's war but as for war in general, it is already here and it is upon us, the people of this country. We are all being attacked every day but it is not always a physical assault. There are three main fronts in the war on the American people: The physical, the mental, and the spiritual assaults.

They control what our churches say: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/18/AR2005111802501_pf.html
They control control what we do through absurd laws like the one in this post and
They control what we think by funding our schools and deciding on the books we read etc.

The war is raging and has been for years. There is no end in sight and probably wont ever be one... and most people have laid down their guns in the middle of this fight and we all know what happens when you lay down your guns in the middle of a war zone.

"Being free means having the freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4."
~1984 G. ORWELL


The Canadians won't even let people in who've had a DUI, so the fault doesn't lie entirely with the FBI.


I guess that I and all the other vets that belong to Iraq Vets Against the War are on that list.


Canada has to carefully protect their borders. They'd hate to have epidemics of freedom or liberty festering amongst their ranks.