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My experience at the doctors office yesterday

Started by Raineyrocks, October 12, 2007, 07:40 AM NHFT

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yeah like Michael j Fox and his parkinsons disease. It is ironic that the poor guy is a big Diet Dr Pepper drinker and advertises for them when aspartame could very likely be the cause of his disease.

Jenny needs to do some more research and find that there is a causative link to vaccines and autism. 
Interesting interview... Whoopie speaks out about vaccines as if she is an expert. I also disliked Bah bah Walters constant interrupting while Jenny was trying to answer her questions.

Autism is an epidemic but is being ignored as one... and the med industry will never admit the vax connection. Vaccines are the sacred cow of medicine. If the the truth is admitted and revealed, all else will come crashing down. The Rockefellers (AMA) have total control of the situation.   



Quote from: kola on October 18, 2007, 11:24 AM NHFT
The intake forms asked if your house was gun free?????????



Yes, mine did too. And the answer I wrote was "None of YOUR business to be sure".


Quote from: CNHT on October 18, 2007, 06:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 18, 2007, 11:24 AM NHFT
The intake forms asked if your house was gun free?????????



Yes, mine did too. And the answer I wrote was "None of YOUR business to be sure".

wow..not only are most MD's doing the dirty work for Big Pharm/vaccines/dope but now they are doing more Big Gov dirty work by asking about weapons. WTF.

...and remember all your  medical records are computer filed.

it is just another avenue to get more info to fill the common folks portfolio's as the feds gather everything we think, do and say.

...and they use the famous spin version by telling us it is "all for our safety".


Avens O'Brien

Quote from: raineyrocks on October 12, 2007, 07:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: slimpickens on October 12, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT
My only objection is the fact that there are contaminants in the vaccines, apparently on purpose. so when they take the mercury and other junk out, then i will think about getting vaccinated. and any chiropractor who claims to do more than aligning your spine/skeleton and relieving related pain, is making it up.
I dated one for several months, and have gone to them for years for back/neck pain. usually only a couple sessions every 6 months or so.they are good at fixing that, some are better than others.

I was/am trying to find a good chiropractor for my whole family because our backs and necks are all messed up after our car accident a couple of years ago.

(jumping on this a little late)

I've had my chiropractor for years, he is great at aligning my bones and makes awesome conversation while he does so - he's an LP-friendly Republican. :)

I highly recommend him.  http://www.dravard.com/


Avens O'Brien

Quote from: Puke on October 13, 2007, 09:25 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 13, 2007, 09:19 AM NHFT
I took Kira to the doctor recently and they tried to push that HPV vaccine crap on her, too.

I wonder how much money the docs get to push this shit?

[doctor] Here is a new vaccine, it's great and shit like that!

[parent] What is it for?

[doctor] It's for stuff. Just take it already.

[parent] But, what is this for? What is in the vaccine?

[doctor] JUST TAKE IT! I'm a doctor god damn it! I know what is best for you!!

Most Doctors get their information on illness and treatment from the very companies that sell the treatments.  The people selling the HPV vaccine are sending your doctor pamphlets about HPV and about this being the "only way" to prevent it. 

Same with Psychiatrists and such... the medicines they prescribe were all "sold" to them.  So they don't have to spend the time investigating options.

I've been lucky enough to have a variety of good doctors in my life, most of whom were fairly honest with me.  As a child I got two or three vaccines, and as an adult I finally agreed to the Hep-B shot.

After I turned 13 my mother 1. never came into the doctor's office with me and 2. let me make my own decisions regarding medication and shots.  If my doctor told me to get a vaccine, they'd give me their reasons why, I'd call my mother into the room to ask her opinion, and then I'd make up my own mind.

I often agreed to delay vaccines - like the Hep-B one... I investigated it on my own and elected to get it.



Quote from: Avens O'Brien on October 23, 2007, 10:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 12, 2007, 07:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: slimpickens on October 12, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT
My only objection is the fact that there are contaminants in the vaccines, apparently on purpose. so when they take the mercury and other junk out, then i will think about getting vaccinated. and any chiropractor who claims to do more than aligning your spine/skeleton and relieving related pain, is making it up.
I dated one for several months, and have gone to them for years for back/neck pain. usually only a couple sessions every 6 months or so.they are good at fixing that, some are better than others.

I was/am trying to find a good chiropractor for my whole family because our backs and necks are all messed up after our car accident a couple of years ago.

(jumping on this a little late)

I've had my chiropractor for years, he is great at aligning my bones and makes awesome conversation while he does so - he's an LP-friendly Republican. :)

I highly recommend him.  http://www.dravard.com/


Darn it, he's in Manchester!  I wish we lived closer to there, thanks anyway! :)