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Microchipping your kids

Started by CNHT, October 21, 2007, 01:01 AM NHFT

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Microchipping Kids and Corpses           
Written by Sam Ettaro      
Thursday, 18 October 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  October 18th, 2007
From Samuel Anthony Ettaro, RTR Media

Dr. Katherine Albrecht argued for implant restrictions, but was overridden by industry.

CONCORD, NH:   The NEW HAMPSHIRE RFID STUDY COMMISSION yesterday voted in support of language that would allow guardians and parents to implant RFID microchips into children.  The Study Commission was created when the state Senate killed a bill which would have required labeling on all products containing RFID-tagged products in NH and is comprised of lawmakers, industry and retail representatives, as well as members of the public and state law enforcement officials.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht, who will be speaking on RFID at the Hope for America Conference in Tempe, AZ on December 8th [conference site- http://www.rtrlive.com], was appointed to the Commission by the governor of NH to represent consumer interests.  This group meets once per month and one of its tasks is to provide recommendations to the state legislature including recommendations on possible legislation.
In the Oct 17th meeting in Concord, NH several aspects of proposed legislation were debated and several important votes were taken.

In this marathon meeting spanning three and a half hour long meeting the commission voted to remove specific language in proposed legislation submitted by Rep. Neal Kurk, which was designed to raise the bar on the microchipping of humans.  In a 9-5 vote, the committee voted to strike down language requiring that anyone receiving a human implant must be at least 18 years of age and eliminated language that would have required an individual's own personal consent to receive a microchip in their body.

The original text of Rep. Kurk's legislation read, "Consent of a guardian, guardian ad litem, attorney-in-fact, parent or other agent shall not be
considered adequate consent."

The new language proposed by industry representative Richard Varn removed the words "shall not" and replaced them with "shall".

In addition the Committee struck out an entire provision which would have prohibited the microchipping of corpses.    There was a discussion about the
fact that many people have religious objections to receiving a microchip post-mortem and see it as a desecration of their body.

The committee considered allowing a provision which would have allowed an opt-out policy wherein all corpses would be potentially subject to chipping
unless the individual had opted out while alive through some applicable directive.

Once realizing that they had the majority on that point, they moved to completely strike the language prohibiting corpse chipping altogether.  This
was discussed after people expressed dismay that their deceased relatives had been chipped as part of the cleanup of hurricane Katrina.

"These votes were not surprising considering the makeup of the commission," said Dr. Katherine Albrecht.  "Those with Pro-RFID views are disproportionately represented on the Commission.  We should clarify that this is really just an advisory body, and while we will be making recommendations we're not responsible for enacting public policy.  Although it seems obvious that the deck is stacked on the Commission in favor of industry, there is still a chance to get the type of bill that we want once this goes out to our legislature."

Dr. Katherine Albrecht is now off to the Netherlands speaking at a conference called Recalling RFID,  http://www.debalie.nl/recallingrfid

Presentations and debates on RFID and digital connectivity scenarios with speakers from the industry, researchers, artists, privacy advocates,
programmers and consultants. Speakers include Katherine Albrecht (CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering, USA), Bart Schermer (privacy lawyer and coordinator of RFID Platform Netherlands), Rafi Haladjian (founder of Violet company, tech entrepreneur),  Melanie Rieback (Ubisec researcher, VU University Amsterdam), Stephan Engberg (Priway/Copenhagen Business School), Christian van 't Hof (researcher, Rathenau Instituut), Willem Velthoven (designer and director of Mediamatic) and many others.

She also be touring the world's first RFID-tagged retail book store, SelexYZ Scheltema, in the Netherlands, and will be meeting with representatives of
http://www.antichip.nl, a Dutch group in opposition to the chipping of horses. They have provided a compelling set of photos illustrating the adverse affects of microchips in horses:  http://www.invisio.nl/antichip/

Pat K

Holy Fuck!!!

I hope these bastards get anal cancer.

Tom Sawyer

Come on Pat all the cool kids are doing it. :P


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on October 21, 2007, 07:04 AM NHFT
Come on Pat all the cool kids are doing it. :P

Heh, even more reason to be one of the "black sheep".

...eliminated language that would have required an individual's own personal consent to receive a microchip in their body.

Is this just applied to minors/corpses, or is it across the board?

How sad...  :-\


Sounds like an EXCELLENT campaign theme.


At what age can the kid ask for the microchip be removed??


Quote from: Otosan on October 22, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT
At what age can the kid ask for the microchip be removed??

Are you kidding? They can't EVER! After all, this is not a 'right' like ABORTION is...

they can ask for that anytime after 12...


Are you kidding? They can't EVER! After all, this is not a 'right' like ABORTION is...

they can ask for that anytime after 12...

All I can say to that is DAMN!  Just DAMN!

(a string of 4 letter words not meant to be typed in mixed company)

Do the kids get a free tattoo of their SSN on their head and/or arm at the same time?????

Lloyd Danforth

bill rose

i love the mark of the beast
are you from manch?
how can we stop this?


We'd like to get the chip in our dog removed. It's not simple surgery.  :'(