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Conversations on Instant Messengers

Started by Fragilityh14, October 27, 2007, 01:04 AM NHFT

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I am the type of person who just loves a good instant messenger conversation, I can always use more people to talk to about politics, liberty, world affair etc. I more than anything desire more people to talk to about things outside of myself, IE great pro liberty authors.

Every so often I need to replenish my instant messenger lists as people seem to stop using them etc. I need some sort of decent increase in people to talk to, and I mean like 5 or 10.

pearcebrad at hotmail.com for MSN or fragilityh14 on AIM.

especially interested in making inroads with New Hampshire folks and fellow linux users...ALSO anyone who is interested in collecting silver, because I've just started collecting silver and don't particularly have anyone to talk to who knows anything about silver..I really don't have any measure of if I'm getting a good deal besides that anything off of ebay was more or less bought at "market value"

hope to hear from someone :D

(PS. I would generally not want to post this in the main forum if you will, but it is neither debate or whining, and it does say anything or everything, feel free to move it though its not like I'm covering the board with spam so it can always just drop to the bottom and then be gone.)