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Constitutional Rule

Started by Kat Kanning, November 26, 2007, 10:17 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Jim Davies' new article:


QuoteImagine the Feds were to obey and be limited by the US Constitution. Would that produce a free society? 


I'm glad you posted this article, Kat; I actually read it this morning.  Jim Davies rarely disappoints. ;)

John Edward Mercier

The Framers had no scope of the future, so in their time this would have been considered a reasoned document. Obviously we've changed it over the years, and parts still need mending.

His open door policy on immigration is largely supported by both major political parties... though for completely opposite reasons. But his position on the PO is more than justified in our modern FedEx/UPS world.

And a simple 'Balanced Budget Amendment' would work wonders... NH has one, and other than the interference of federal dollars and programs has served us well.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 26, 2007, 10:17 AM NHFT
QuoteImagine the Feds were to obey and be limited by the US Constitution. Would that produce a free society? 

Of course not.  Not even the Articles of Confederation would have been able to do that.

But, just as the AoC would be leauges better than the Constitution, the Constitution would be leagues better than what we have, right now.  This world got to where it is over the course of many millenia, and it's going to take a long time to get better.  It's going to take a long time just to stop getting worse.



Quote from: John Edward Mericer on November 26, 2007, 10:39 AM NHFT

And a simple 'Balanced Budget Amendment' would work wonders... NH has one, and other than the interference of federal dollars and programs has served us well.

While I supported a balanced budget amendment it will not work nearly as well as you would think. We raise the debt limits so often no one even cares anymore. The budget is also a lie and is worse than reported because it counts the social security as general income instead of putting aside for the future deficits. They will have emergency spending bills for war, Katrina ect.. . They will say times are different now after 911.The future will have big deficits and they don't have the backbone to do any belt tightening. Their answer will be nationalized healthcare and tax the next generation even though they knew they problem was coming but waited to the last minute and have someone else pay for it.

John Edward Mercier

I digress on a couple of things. I never suggested that anything should be 'off the books' (which is how we fake our current reported deficits). And SS is a Ponsi scheme, there is no 'lock box'... and in such really taxation with no guaranteed benefit to the payers.


Quote from: John Edward Mericer on November 26, 2007, 12:02 PM NHFT
And SS is a Ponsi scheme, there is no 'lock box'... and in such really taxation with no guaranteed benefit to the payers.

I heard the Republicans talking about means testing for social security a few days ago and the Democrats are allready for it. So instead of just being a ponsi scheme it's going to be welfare for the old poor and people that hide their assets. They will have the perscription drug plan, medicare and medicaid and social security. I think I will just lie about my age, hide my assets  and ride the babyboomer gravy train

Lloyd Danforth

