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Help Find a Lost Hunter: Russell H. Bussiere of Hooksett

Started by JellyFish, December 03, 2007, 09:17 PM NHFT

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firecracker joe

I find it funny ( not really) that they could fly a helicopter over ed browns all day long with no problem at all but they cant get one to help look for someone who is in distress i guess that shows where our government likes to spend our money ,and where there priorities lie.


Quote from: jose on December 06, 2007, 02:20 PM NHFT
I find it funny ( not really) that they could fly a helicopter over ed browns all day long with no problem at all but they cant get one to help look for someone who is in distress i guess that shows where our government likes to spend our money ,and where there priorities lie.

They are different groups.

NH Fish and game doesn't have the resources of the federal government.


QuoteThey are different groups.

NH Fish and game doesn't have the resources of the federal government.

True, but really it should be the other way around.


Quote from: KJM on December 06, 2007, 03:52 PM NHFT
QuoteThey are different groups.

NH Fish and game doesn't have the resources of the federal government.

True, but really it should be the other way around.

I disagree. At least with the case of the federal government it's people opressing and killing other people. The fish and game department to a large degree does the same to animals and the environment. The animals and the environment can't really fight back as much if they feel the fish and game department is doing something wrong.

firecracker joe

looks to me like all fed agencies help each other depends how important it is and ed didnt owe the department of homeland security isn't that who was flying around eds? Ed owes the irs not dhs.I believe ,if im wrong im sorry. i still feel they could help if they wanted too.

Pat McCotter

If IRS doesn't get the money DHS doesn't get paid! NH has told the fed gov to stick it about many things, so a state search & rescue won't get them any money or PR points. ::)


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on December 05, 2007, 09:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on December 05, 2007, 07:47 PM NHFT
He's probably dead.  I can't figure out why they didn't use some heat reading thing.

Several reasons I think. Fish and Game don't have helecopters for this purpose themselves, they actually request help from the national guard and possibly some other organizations. The national guard uses this opportunity for training (it's too expensive to justify flying around looking for someone, so to save money they do training at the same time.) So it's likely that either the helecopter does not even have an infrared imaging device or that due to the fact that the helecopters can only be out there for short periods of time

I know that the heli's that the D.L.N.R in Hawaii operate have I.R.I.D's.  :NinjaIconA:  But then again, the "war on drugs" offers great funding capabilities.  >:(

Expecting the worst; but still hoping for the best.  :-\

John Edward Mercier

Why would anyone think of bringing an IR equipped chopper in on the first day with many volunteers on the ground? The area is easily accessible... and not that large.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on December 06, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
Why would anyone think of bringing an IR equipped chopper in on the first day with many volunteers on the ground? The area is easily accessible... and not that large.

Not sure if a IR equipped helecopter is specifically useful, but in general the biggest advantage of a helecopter is in the rescue portion of the operation. Carrying a severely injured person in a stolks for miles is pretty grueling and can take many hours where as the helecopter could have the person at the hospital within an hour of the person being found and prepared for transport.

Lloyd Danforth

I was thinking along the lines of the hand held heat seeker thing that John Babiartz talks about.  Perhaps its only for fires.


I noticed Mr. Bussiere is 70 years old. Even being in good shape and knowledgeable of the area and conditions its usually a good idea to use the buddy system since accidents can always happen and it's nice to have someone who can help you out of a situation or fetch others.

I learned to hunt due mostly to my grandmother's insistence that my grandfather never hunt alone, just in case.

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on December 06, 2007, 05:36 PM NHFT
I disagree. At least with the case of the federal government it's people opressing and killing other people. The fish and game department to a large degree does the same to animals and the environment. The animals and the environment can't really fight back as much if they feel the fish and game department is doing something wrong.

I meant that state departments in general should have more funding than federal ones, not necessarily the NHFGD though. I agree that government control of wildlife does more harm than good.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on December 06, 2007, 10:43 PM NHFT
I was thinking along the lines of the hand held heat seeker thing that John Babiartz talks about.  Perhaps its only for fires.

I suppose you could use it. Not sure how effective it would be in this scenario. I would think that the cameras they normally use on helecopters are specially configured to make it easier to spot humans. Our fire department camera would be difficult to use for this purpose, it's too sensitive.

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: jose on December 06, 2007, 02:20 PM NHFT
I find it funny ( not really) that they could fly a helicopter over ed browns all day long with no problem at all but they cant get one to help look for someone who is in distress i guess that shows where our government likes to spend our money ,and where there priorities lie.

If you read closely...
You'll notice that Monday was the storm and specialized ground teams (SUV/ATV) where use to cover the extensive road/trail network in the area. On Tuesday, large scale volunteer ground operations began... along with the NG BlackHawk with IR equipment. On Wednesday, the volunteer ground operations were ended, but the specialized teams and BlackHawk operations continued.