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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Boston 9/11 Rally, March, Re-enactment - speakers: Cindy Sheehan, others

Started by jaqeboy, December 08, 2007, 11:46 AM NHFT

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Boston 9/11 Truth is holding a Tea Party for 9/11 Truth rally and re-enactment on Sunday, 16 December, 2007 at The Boston Common, with a march across town to the historic Boston Tea Party site for a re-enactment.

Details of the Tea Party can be found at: http://www.boston911truth.org/teaparty/index.php, but here are the basics:

Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth

     Sunday, 16 December 2007 - rally at 11AM at the Boston Common bandstand, march across Boston at 2PM to the Boston Tea Party site to hoist replicas of the 911 Commission Report and heave them into the harbor (actually just a channel now) at 3PM. Numerous speakers at the bandstand rally and at the Tea Party site - including Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern and others. Details on website.

     After-party Sunday: A Brew and a Brainstorm, 4-9 PM upstairs at Hennessy's on Union Street, $10 donation requested, food and beverages, cash bar, open mic for the musically artistic.

Details of both events and carpooling/lodging opportunities are on the Merrimack Valley 911 Truth site (updated through this next week up until Friday afternoon - check back). Tickets should be available at various pro-freedom events at Murphy's and elsewhere.



Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
Boston Common, 11:00am ­ 2:00pm
Evelyn Moakley Bridge, 2:30 pm ­ 4:00 pm

Anti-war, 9/11 Truth and Constitutional protection activists adorned in
tri-corner hats and colonial garb, hauling wooden carts piled high with mock
crates of 9/11 Commission Reports will be gathering on Sunday, December 16
at noon in front of the Boston Common bandstand.  This Second Annual Boston
Tea Party for 9/11 Truth will focus not only on the inadequacies and
omissions of The 9/11 Commission Report, as it did last year, but will
include a public examination of other "Documents of Tyranny," including:
Project for a New American Century (Rebuilding Americas Defenses), USA
Patriot Act II, Military Commissions Act  (2006), John Warner Defense
Authorization Act, and Presidential Directive #51 (authorizing martial law).

Cindy Sheehan, America's "peace mom" and candidate for Nancy Pelosi's
congressional seat in California's Eighth District will head the line-up of
speakers at the Bandstand, along with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst
turned Peace activist and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Sanity (VIPS). Also making presentations will be; John Kaminski, Northeast
Impeachment Coalition Spokesperson;  Lt. Col. (retired) Robert Bowman, PhD,
former Director of USAF Advanced Space Systems (Star Wars) under Presidents
Ford and Carter; Dr. Kevin Barrett, Islamic Studies lecturer; Nick Shelton,
Oxford University student and 9/11 author: Barbara Honegger, military
analyst, aide to President Reagan and author of "October Surprise" and "The
Pentagon Attack" white paper: Justin Martel, co-founder of Student Scholars
for 9/11 Truth; and Jim Hogue retired Vermont high school teacher,
professional actor, Green Party candidate for Governor and radio talk-show
host. From the Boston Common Bandstand, the activists will proceed to the
Evelyn Moakley Bridge on Fort Point Channel, Boston Harbor, near the site
of the 1773 Boston Tea Party, for their official casting of the "Tea of
Tyranny" into Boston Harbor.

For more information, visit:



Program Schedule Change:

Due to New England weather conditions we have shortened the Sunday schedule
for the Boston Tea Party. (current as of today 12/13/07)

The Boston Common Rally begins at Noon as was previously announced but is
considerably shorter, ending at about 1pm. continuing at the bridge at
1:30pm followed by the Brainstorm Session at Hennessy's at 2:30pm.

The Boston 9/11 Truth Committee
   Re-Investigate 9/11 - Demand Truth and Justice

Voice Mail: 617-401-8047
Web: http://boston911truth.org
Email: truth@boston911truth.org 
Announce mailing list


There were definitely a lot of people there.  There were 30-some undecided people there, all of whom became convinced that those three buildings were brought down by controlled demolition.  It's rather obvious when you see videos of demolition compared to accidental collapses.  There's just no comparison.

Other governments kill their own people.  Is anyone surprised that US Gov elected officials are put into power by the same banking cartels that put other governments officials in?


Watch for the treasonic government goons taking pics for their "spyfiles".

Kola (spyfile member)