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video threads

Started by hwrnhetcxyc, February 13, 2008, 10:11 AM NHFT

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I have some friendly requests of anyone posting a topic where the only content is a video. Please specify in the subject that your post contains a video. Also, a few words describing the video would be helpful for those of us who don't use the YouTube plugin and/or don't want to immediately watch a video. Some folks already do these things and that's appreciated. Sometimes though, I come across a thread with a vague subject and find only a link or embedded video inside.

For example, a subject of YouTube: Cop wins donut-eating contest would let readers know that there is a link to a video within, yet the same thread with a subject of Cops and donuts might lead one to expect a written discussion of police and pastries. :)


Russell Kanning

good idea ... sometimes the embedded ones really slow me down too.