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"Organic" diets

Started by Bald Eagle, February 01, 2008, 06:47 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Beth221 on February 04, 2008, 09:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: Hollywood on February 04, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
I've never understood why so many people have made fun of Dr. Atkins' death and/or claimed his death was caused by his diet or his failure to practice his own methods. :(

I dont understand either. 

It may stem from Adele Davis failing to live forever





She went with Ho-Ho's instead of Twinkies.


btw Steven Barrett is a disgrace to have MD after his name. King Duck of Quacks.

Pat K

If you never eat meat.
If you never drink Alcohol.
If you never Smoke.
If you jog every day.
If you say your prayers.
If you eat raw food.
If you never have sex.
If you have a lot of sex.
If you drink coffee.
If you drink Green tea.
If you eat soy.
If you eat Pizza.
If Roger is the big brother you never wanted.
If Roger is not the big brother you never wanted.
If you eat Bacon.
If you don't eat Bacon. (Blasphemy!)
If you don't masturbate.
If you do masturbate. ( God kills a puppy every time ya do)
You are going to die.

Just a little tip from your friend Pat K


Yur right Pat we all leave this physical world. No big deal for me.

I dont mind death (in fact I welcome the day) but I have issues with long term suffering and fighting chronic illness.

There are no magic bullets. but common sense.

Diets come and go and they never stay because they don't work LONG TERM. Diets even have the word DIE in it. DIEts.

I find the biggest problem is a deficiency:

common sense.


i am trying to understand why you think its a "frinken joke"  his methods? the act of ketosis?  the 20 g's of carbs or less?

Bald Eagle

Magic bullets coming soon from the Shire Silver project.   ;)


Pat K

Well now having typed the above,
let me say that the Atkins diet is
very effective.

It is the only diet I have ever been on were I am not hungry.

I don't mean gee I am a little hungry, I mean I am gonna
kill some one if I don't eat soon. Hungry to the point your
mouth is salivating to the point of drooling.

When I was on Atkins I would  actually forget to eat
some times.

It is hard to stay on long term for a Beer drinker like me.

I just fell off it again over the holidays.

There are arguments galore over the diet.

All I know is it works.



there is a reason why dan drinks miller light, 3.2, mic ultra is 2.8, guiness is 9.  Trust me, he aint drinking miller for the taste..!  very easy to drink your carbs in beer.  Dan got kicked out of an all you can eat prime rib grill, in TEXAS, and he caused the hooters to shut down in RI, because of all you can eat wing night.  hehe

Lloyd Danforth

I'm glad I can't read the labels on those bottles of Honey Brown and that they don't have them on the glasses of Murph'ys lager.


Quote from: kola on February 04, 2008, 09:33 PM NHFT
I find the biggest problem is a deficiency:

common sense.


You got it, buddy.

Common sense beats scientific fact every time.

After all, common folk don't need to check their premises... they just know.

In fact, common sense is so infallible, that common folk can afford to make fun of facts whenever they fly in the face of common sense.

Now go back to sleep... and don't you worry none about the facts now, ya hear?  With common sense, things are always as they seem!

;D ;D ;D


Yeah, it does seem to be the old issue of scientific inquiry vs. "common knowledge." It's too bad that so many people are quick to revel in the misfortune of those doing the work of paradigm smashing.

Mmm, cake. Mmm, beer. Mmm, Hooters ;D

Congrats on the low-carb success, Lloyd, PatK and Dan.

Thank you PatK for the words of wisdom.


mmMMMmm Hooters!!  I love chicken wings!!  Atkins heaven!  Dan and I get 50 wings, I eat 10, and Dan put away the rest!


Quote from: Beth221 on February 06, 2008, 10:44 AM NHFT
mmMMMmm Hooters!!  I love chicken wings!!  Atkins heaven!  Dan and I get 50 wings, I eat 10, and Dan put away the rest!

They say that Hooters has the best wings.  I've also heard that the breasts there are very nice to.

(sorry, I couldn't resist.)


thats why I can only eat 10, I am distracted! 
