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New England-wide impeachment meeting in Worcester

Started by jaqeboy, July 25, 2007, 12:22 PM NHFT

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Representative Betty Hall of Brookline (I think) has drafted an impeachment petition to be submitted to the N.H. House at the next session. Right now, it is in Legislative Services to have the wording reviewed and polished up. She says she will post it to the Democracy for New Hampshire site when it is ready (or possibly this early draft).

The important point made by another party yesterday was that impeachment should also be used for misdemeanors ("high crimes and misdemeanors")

Betty points out that it is important to punish the crimes of this administration, so the next doesn't assume then that since they got away with it, it is now alright.

Betty Hall: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/ns/billstatus/legdetails.asp?txten=372359 - please write to her to discuss, if you are interested.

DFNH: http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/



Re: WMD's efforts on impeachment

Dear Women Making a Difference,

This is a note to URGE you to attend our meeting this coming Sunday.  We will again meet at 3:00 in the afternoon at the Brick School in Amherst.  Our featured presenter will be Betty Hall, and she will be joined by Nancy White.  These two activists and WMD members have been working tirelessly to put together a "Teach In" on the issue of Impeachment, which is to be presented at Dartmouth on the 26th of November.  And we will have more information on that as the date nears.  If you are in agreement that Impeachment is the way to go, please join us.  If you are not in agreement that this is the way to go, please join us.  This will be a fabulous OPPORKNOCKITY to have a civil conversation on a "hot topic" that could not possibly be more timely.  Did you have an opportunity to hear Dennis Kucinich before the House of Representatives on Tuesday?

You may or may not know that Betty Hall is a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and that she intends to bring a resolution for Impeachment before the house during this session.  Nancy White has been working with Betty for months, and they hope to have some very interesting and well-known people join them on November 26th.

Read the following carefully and see if you have any idea where, when, why and for what it was written.   Could it have been written in Washington D.C. last week when Kucinich went before the House to urge Impeachment of Cheney?  The answer will be clear when you join us at the Brick School on Sunday!

"Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government.  The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind."

It will be wonderful to see each of you on Sunday - - we hope for more people than we have chairs.  Betty and Nancy  are hoping to give you the kind of presentation they are planning for Dartmouth.  Come lend them your ears!!!!!

Thanks So!

Nan Stearns


Note: forwarded message attached.Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 15:18:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Gold Star Famlies For Peace <gsfp@mail.democracyinaction.org>
To: ...
Subject: 10,000 letter to Nancy IMPEACH CHENEY

House Resolution 333  (now H Res 799) for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney is off the House floor, and has instead been sent to the Judiciary Committee for "further study." This maneuver, organized by Pelosi and the Democratic leadership, is consistent with their mantra that impeachment is "off the table." But, we are told Nancy Pelosi is reported to have replied to the question of impeachment that if she received 10,000 hand written letters she would proceed with it. What are we waiting for?

Cindy Sheehan wrote this:

Dear Friends

Instead of sending your impeachment letters for Dick Cheney to Nancy Pelosi's office, send them to my office so we can get an official count.

Please send them to:

Nancy Pelosi
c/o Cindy Sheehan
RE: Impeach Dick Cheney
1260 Mission Blvd
San Francisco, Ca 94103

Please pass this around and have them sent by Friday, November 16th and we will have them delivered to her office in San Francisco before Thanksgiving.

Spread this far and wide so we can take sacks of letters to her.

Don't include anything besides the letter.



Another impeachment message via WMD (Women Making a Difference)

Forwarded by Jeanne Ludt:

Subject: Impeachment is Alive in Judiciary Committee! We Win It All If You Speak Out Now

Do you have any idea how desperate the corporate media is to suppress coverage of the growing impeachment movement?

One of the most riveting events to occur in Congress in recent history occurred last week, and not one of the major so-called news channels wanted you to know it had happened. An incredible live event, and they didn't even cover it. But they will, finally, if only more of us speak out now.

Cheney Impeachment Action Page:

Facebook Version: http://apps.facebook.com/fb_voices/action.php?qnum=pnum709

On Nov. 6, 2007, Dennis Kucinich brought a privileged resolution calling for the impeachment of Vice President Cheney, based on just a couple of Cheney's constitutional high crimes. And for two hours the House of Representatives was tied up in knots trying to figure out how to try to shut him up.

In their contempt for the people, the Republicans committed the colossal tactical blunder of trying to mock the momentous occasion. When the Democratic so-called leadership tried to table the Kucinich resolution, as we expected them to do, the Republican big shots suddenly directed their underlings to change their votes, to start voting AGAINST the motion to table, thereby forcing the very vote Kucinich sought.

The entire House of Representatives was thrown into a turmoil. It was high drama as the motion to table suddenly was being rejected numerically, with Republican help. The scheduled 15 minute vote extended into two hours, with nobody in a leadership position knowing how to deal with the crisis of one man standing up and speaking the truth. And did you hear about this incredible drama on your cable TV. No you did not.

Now the defeatists out there, and we know they are out there, will try to tell you that because the impeachment resolution was ultimately sent to the Judiciary Committee that nothing more will happen. That's like saying because the indictment was given to a judge and a prosecutor, that will be the end of it. But whatever the vain intent of certain so-called Congressional leaders, the Judiciary Committee is exactly where we want the resolution, for that is where the actual impeachment articles must emerge from.

Look at what's actually happening, and not what the right wing spinners are trying to tell you is happening. Progressive talk personalities are calling for action all over the dial. They are giving out toll free congressional phone numbers and calling on their listeners to now put real pressure on the Judiciary Committee. This is happening only because your voices forced the issue in the first place, by calling those shows and talking about impeachment and the necessity for it.

Look at what's actually happening. Members of the House are being forced to justify why they have not yet acted to defend and protect the Constitution. And their lame and pathetic excuses are exposing just how poorly represented the people of the United States are. More people are realizing that their voices do count, and that Congress has no answer to defend their failure to do their sacred constitutional duty.

It is only because of the impeachment movement that attention is being focused on Cheney's insane fixation on bombing Iran and starting the last World War of them all. It is only your voices that can stop the secret march to Armageddon, as they make up new lies to sucker the American people into yet another, and even more monumental, military debacle.

Yes, the heat is on the Judiciary Committee alright. Their first bleating reaction was to talk about how busy they were putting together a contempt citation for Mier and Bolton. This is something that should have happened instantly 6 months ago when the subpoenas were first defied, at the direction of the Cheney White House, itself an impeachable offense. Well, we'll just see if they even do that in the next two weeks.

Yes, the heat is on the Judiciary Committee, as more and more people all over the country raise their voices, some for the perhaps the first time. Join those voices now. Use the either of the action pages below to send your personal message to the Judiciary Committee, Nancy Pelosi and your own member of the House as well. Tell them we will not shut up. Tell them we will not go away. Tell them they work for us and not the other way around.

Cheney Impeachment Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/hres333.php

Facebook Version: http://apps.facebook.com/fb_voices/action.php?qnum=pnum709

What is actually happening is they have stupidly and arrogantly given the people hope. And hope is the most powerful enemy the corrupters of our democracy have. The only thing they have going for them is fear, and its two evil twins, defeatism and inaction. The rule only by fear . . . flooding our TVs with propaganda and smug indifference to the will of the people, masquerading as the news.

Tell them you are not afraid. Tell them you will no longer be ruled by fear Speak out now to force the hand of the Judiciary Committee, and necessary truth of how our country has been systematically betrayed by imperial subversives in the White House for the last 7 years will be heard and confronted, at last.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at http://www.usalone.com/in.htm

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function at http://www.usalone.com/out.htm


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bill rose


From the Women Making a Difference e-newsletter:


3.  We need help in calling/(or writing) the committee members of the NH House committee (State & Federal Relations/Veteran's Affairs Committee) who will be listening to witnesses for Betty Hall's HRes 24 in the NH legislature on Feb 19.
(Save the date & Please come to the hearing as well and be present in the gallery!)

Here is NH's chance to make history and for YOU to be part of making it that way!!!

We need help in calling/writing these committee members so they understand what we are asking.....that NH take the lead in bringing impeachment of Bush & Cheney NOW to the US Congress!  Any state can do this under the Jefferson's Manual....
http://inetresults.com/impeach/strategy.html According to Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual, "there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion": 1) By charges made on the floor by a member of the House; 2) By charges preferred by a memorial filed by a House member; 3) By charges contained in a Resolution introduced by a House member; 4) By a message from the President; 5) By charges transmitted by a State legislature, or a grand jury; 5) By facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House.

4.  These committee members are from around the state & if constituents actually call/write them, there is a better chance of having them listen & act with understanding & knowledge...how amazing!  Let's swamp them with calls!  Surprisingly, we have support from Reps & a few Dems alike in NH!!!  It has been said that if any committee member of any committee actually gets at least 3 calls on a particular issue, then they realize that it's important and better pay attention!  If you see any on this list who are from your district please give them a call and say that you SUPPORT Betty Hall's Resolution HRes 24 calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney!

Please emphasize the following highlights in Betty's Resolution:

failure to follow our Constitution, Rule of Law & the right to vote (which protects all other rights), torture, FISA recording citizens, treaty violations, permanent bases in Iraq, subverted laws by 'signing statements'.

Thanks so much for your efforts.......we need you to make any or all of these calls!!!
It is critical, vital and of extreme importance to our Democracy!!!  Be an active patriot!

Nancy White
603-801-5407 cell

5.  Click here: House of Representatives
Secretary:    Linda Rafeal    Phone:    271-3317
Researcher:    Ann FitzGerald    Location:    RM 303 LOB
Committee Members:
Chairman:    Kris Roberts    Bills Currently in Committee
V. Chairman:    Patrick Garrity    Bills Originally Referred to Committee
Clerk:    Anne Priestley    Mailing list of Committee Members
*** Listen to Committee Hearings! ***

Lastname    Firstname    Street    Address2    City/Town    State    Zip Code    PHONE
Roberts    Kris    58 Grove Street Keene    NH    03431-4206   352-1105   
Garrity    Patrick    82 Norris St    672-9139     Manchester    NH    03103-3726
Domingo    Baldwin    5 Birch Dr    742-0422    Dover    NH    03820-4507
Brennan    William    15 Hancock Street    332-0404    Rochester    NH    03867-3527
Wood    Jane    717 Shore Drive    528-2119     Laconia    NH    03246-2946
Burke    Rachel    563 Main Street, Apt 2    755-3353     Farmington    NH    03835-1420
Gagnon    Raymond    4 Warren Street    542-7286     Claremont    NH    03743-2046
Howard    Doreen    PO Box 152    Newmarket    NH    03857-0152
Kjellman    Eleanor Glynn    51 Rush Rd    428-4234     Henniker    NH    03242-3254
Lisle    Carolyn    68 Bluestone Drive    888-7286     Nashua    NH    03060-6830
Scannell    David    838 Maple Street    622-0894     Manchester    NH    03104-3215
Coughlin    Pamela    66 Tater Street    673-0998    Mont Vernon    NH    03057-1309
Priestley    Anne    4 Bluff Street    Salem    NH    03079-1501
Lessard    Rudy    115 Bush Hill Rd    579-0356    Hudson    NH    03051-4404
Christiansen    Lars    PO Box 171       Hudson    NH    03051-0171
Baldasaro    Alfred    41 Hall Road    Londonderry    NH    03053-2306
Emiro    Frank    PO Box 285    Londonderry    NH    03053-0285
Soucy    Connie    496 Coolidge Ave    644-5851    Manchester    NH    03102-2705
Eaton    Stephanie    243 Pleasant Street    444-2604     Littleton    NH    03561-4917