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Guess who wrote these lyrics?

Started by KBCraig, March 02, 2008, 12:22 PM NHFT

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Down below
Down Below
Sat the devil talking to his son
Who wanted to go
Up above
Up above
He cried, "It's getting too warm for me down here and so
I'm going up on Earth where I can have a little fun
The Devil simply shook his head and answered his son

Stay down here where you belong
The folks who live above you don't know right from wrong

To please their kings they've all gone out to war
And not a one of them knows what he's fighting for

'Way up above they say that I'm a Devil and I'm bad
Kings up there are bigger devils than your dad

They're breaking the hearts of mothers
Making butchers out of brothers
You'll find more hell up there than there is down below

"Kings up there
They don't care
For the mothers who must stay at home
Their sorrows to bear
Stay at home
Don't you roam
Although it's warm down below, you'll find it's warmer up there
If e'er you went up there, my son, I know you'd be surprised
You'd find a lot of people are not civilized

This brilliant anti-war lyric was written by the great "patriotic" songwriter, Irving Berlin. Written in 1914 to protest the Great War before America entered it, Berlin later disavowed the sentiment and tried to hide the song. Groucho Marx was known to tweak Berlin's "patriotism" by performing "Stay Down Here Where You Belong" whenever Berlin was within earshot.

Pat K

Nice, but I really don't have to guess now do I.

Lloyd Danforth

I was gonna guess, but, now you've ruined it :P


Yeah. Like three seconds with google wouldn't have told you the answer. You should thank me for sparing you the trouble.  :P


Damn!  I was going to try to guess then go to google so do I get half a point? :D