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New Hampshire last in receiving highway funds!

Started by Kat Kanning, August 02, 2005, 05:18 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


N.H. Last In Federal Highway Money

POSTED: 11:13 am EDT August 2, 2005

CONCORD, N.H. -- New Hampshire will get $69 million as its share of a new $286 billion federal highway aid bill.

That ranks the state last among what states get from the six-year funding package and among the lowest half-dozen states in the percentage increase in aid.

New Hampshire also loses its status as a state that gets more in aid than residents send to Washington from gasoline taxes. New Hampshire was getting $1.20 for every $1 in taxes, but now will get no more than it raises in taxes.


Quote from: katdillon on August 02, 2005, 05:18 PM NHFT

N.H. Last In Federal Highway Money

wooo-hooo!  ;D ;D

New Hampshire also loses its status as a state that gets more in aid than residents send to Washington from gasoline taxes. New Hampshire was getting $1.20 for every $1 in taxes, but now will get no more than it raises in taxes.

So why not just tell the feds: "Say, since we're coming out even, why not eliminate the waste of sending it to Washington just so you can send it back? We'll just keep all the gasoline taxes right here in Concord, and spend them as we see fit, instead of where you tell us."




Basically that means that we give the feds less then we used to? Or does that mean, that they give us more then they used to?

I hope it's we give them less.

But Craig, that would mean all them beurocrats in Both Concord and Washington that send and recieve those funds would be out of jobs, and that would cause unemployment! We can't have that!



Please save the accountants!!! They have children you know!!