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Started by sgtusmc, March 24, 2008, 09:52 AM NHFT

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Peter Macdonald 465 Packersfalls rd Lee NH 03824 603-659-6217 NH.veteran@yahoo.com
   McCain is mocked by a cartoon in a local paper.  Years ago Kerry was mocked for combat injuries because it was with in the first thirty days "in country" and the wounds were minor.  Have you ever been shot at or had a mortar go off with in 100 yards of you?  I spent under 30 hours in Vietnam and I can tell you, living through an attack once is enough.  I was TAD to some remote U.S. camp to repair landing gear.  I was flown in and out but the memory is ever lasting.  I was stationed in Thailand and did 8 convoys across Thailand, Laos and Cambodia delivering surplus supplies to friendly camps as an American advisor.  Have you ever been the only American deep in the jungle on convoy as a child.  Have you ever been taken from a friendly village you stopped for the night at by the enemy?  Have you ever killed with a bayonet to get your weapon back and escape?  Have you ever been spit on, when returning from defending your country and called a baby killer by the very people you gave your life for?  Have you ever been to h-ell and back to returned to a nation that you do not belong?  A Veteran only asks respect for what we have done. You mock us with one hand and claim to be proud of us and want to recognize what we (that was lucky enough to return) are going through today.
   I came back from my tour 100% disabled.  I was injured three times, twice in separate combat support missions.  You don't care that a U.S. congresswoman from NH filed false police complains against me and the police refuse to allow me to complain.  The NH government declared me a terrorist to stop my letters to the editor and took my freedom for six months.  The VA NH inspector General stopped my VA medical care for service related injuries to stop my letters.  These are crimes of the highest magnitude and the Newspapers censor the facts to cover up for this power hungry social class.  The fact is that my letters expose Judge Peter Fauver for criminal violations of the Constitution to intentionally harm NH residents in his demented effort to protect the Madbury NH selectmen's criminal acts.  The NH supreme court refused to hear the case present by me a high school drop out.  Where does a 100% disabled Veteran go when his nation would rather mock and harm all veterans rather than recognize that we are people also.  We just have been some place that you can not conceive as humanly possible to exist.  We survived only to constantly hear the echoes of war as the nation we dreamed of returning to mocks us because we came home to a place we do not belong.  Suicide just stops the humiliation and disgrace you unknowingly label us with.  The perfect example of the disgrace and humiliation is that the opinion of a disabled veteran no newspaper in the U.S. will print.  As a 17 year old I gave my life and my opinion is not good enough to print.  How many returning U.S. veterans are lost under the rug because a nation does not have time to realize that we are people also
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi       


Quote from: sgtusmc on March 24, 2008, 09:52 AM NHFT
...As a 17 year old I gave my life and my opinion is not good enough to print...


This gets more and more bizarre... apparently this is a dead person communicating to us out of a time warp :o


J’raxis 270145


Quote from: srqrebel on March 24, 2008, 10:53 AM NHFT
perhaps ;D

Spam, as far as I'm concerned.  He makes a drive-by post, never bothers to reply, and now is posting from the future.

Off to the corn field he goes.  I don't like setting folks to ignore.

Kat Kanning

Please don't post individual messages more than once.