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Civil dis and won

Started by kola, April 24, 2008, 08:07 PM NHFT

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I practiced Civil Disobedience Today and won !
Posted April 24th, 2008 by candance

Down the road from where I live they set up road blocks about every month and stop everyone and ask to see your identification and registration and insurance.

My son called me to tell me they had him pulled off the road and where grilling him. So I told him to hold tight I would be there in a minute.

I get there and they stop me also before I can get to my son.

Today I had enough and asked them why they had stopped me..the officer explained they where just checking everyone's papers.
I politely declined and asked if I was being detained and if not was I free to go. The officer asked me if I had anything to hide. I said of course not. But since we live in a free country and I have not broken in laws nor given you a reason to stop me I don't believe you have the right to detain me. I then reminded him he couldn't even stop me according to the state law for not having my seatbelt on and write me a ticket unless he was stopping me for something else. So why could he stop me to just check my Identification and papers. You could see the light bulb go on in his head and he agreed with me that yes that I was correct about the seat belt thing..so I was like how can you then stop me for no reason ?

He called his supervisor over and he explained it was state law they could stop people and check their information.

I requested the state statute and he couldn't provide it. So I once again asked him if he was detaining me and if not was I free to go.
And he said yes you are free to go.

Thankfully they let my son go while I was there.

I always worry because he has Schizophrenia and I have instructed him to call me if he ever is stopped or approached by the police.
He made the mistake of calling the police awhile back when someone had stolen his Xbox and they hauled my son to jail instead. While they hauled him to jail the people finished the job and stole his other game system and computer. Of course the police told me they couldn't do anything because I didn't have proof they stole his stuff. aRGH !!!!

BTW I went to their house the next day and caught them loading his computer into a taxi..I stopped them and took it back.


Quote<I always worry because he has Schizophrenia and I have instructed him to call me if he ever is stopped or approached by the police.>
Prolly a very good idea.   :o
Nerveracking standing up to the police, isn't it?  It is easier if you have some support.  Try to hook up with some of the groups that may be in your neck of the woods.  They don't have to be 'libertarian', just people that don't have much respect for 'the law', and that don't want to see you get hurt, or your family. 
Nonviolent resistance is practical, moreso than the violent approach, if for no other reason than you can come out relatively okay and fight it another day.  There are other reasons it works, but I don't feel like preachin' today.   ;) 

Luke S

Quote from: kola on April 24, 2008, 08:07 PM NHFT

I practiced Civil Disobedience Today and won !
Posted April 24th, 2008 by candance

Down the road from where I live they set up road blocks about every month and stop everyone and ask to see your identification and registration and insurance.

My son called me to tell me they had him pulled off the road and where grilling him. So I told him to hold tight I would be there in a minute.

I get there and they stop me also before I can get to my son.

Today I had enough and asked them why they had stopped me..the officer explained they where just checking everyone's papers.
I politely declined and asked if I was being detained and if not was I free to go. The officer asked me if I had anything to hide. I said of course not. But since we live in a free country and I have not broken in laws nor given you a reason to stop me I don't believe you have the right to detain me. I then reminded him he couldn't even stop me according to the state law for not having my seatbelt on and write me a ticket unless he was stopping me for something else. So why could he stop me to just check my Identification and papers. You could see the light bulb go on in his head and he agreed with me that yes that I was correct about the seat belt thing..so I was like how can you then stop me for no reason ?

He called his supervisor over and he explained it was state law they could stop people and check their information.

I requested the state statute and he couldn't provide it. So I once again asked him if he was detaining me and if not was I free to go.
And he said yes you are free to go.

Thankfully they let my son go while I was there.

I always worry because he has Schizophrenia and I have instructed him to call me if he ever is stopped or approached by the police.
He made the mistake of calling the police awhile back when someone had stolen his Xbox and they hauled my son to jail instead. While they hauled him to jail the people finished the job and stole his other game system and computer. Of course the police told me they couldn't do anything because I didn't have proof they stole his stuff. aRGH !!!!

BTW I went to their house the next day and caught them loading his computer into a taxi..I stopped them and took it back.

What police was this? Which city?