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The Shire in Oregon

Started by Pat K, June 02, 2008, 09:11 PM NHFT

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Pat K

Jim Johnson

That's it man... we're toast, we're history... no body can beat a Subdevelopment Shire man!

What are we supposed to do, build a god damn castle?
Ah... man this is just f'n great... how we gon'a build a frick'n castle?  Next thing ya know where're we gon'a need frick'n dragon... they don't make dragons any more ya know!  Where're we gon'a get a frick'n dragon?

Pat K

I dunno Dans used Dragon and Girdle emporium?

Kat Kanning

firecracker joe

theres a dragon that lives in winnipesaukee called winni ive seen it so oregons got nothin on us. I actually caught it and let it live in my fish tank then it got too big and let it go if you look in the broads long enough you will see it seriously.I saw it eat a f&g boat years ago.