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How government harms us.

Started by Kat Kanning, June 05, 2008, 06:46 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I thought I'd post material for the regular column in the paper.  If you want to share any stories, I'd like to hear 'em!

Driving along highway 9 from Concord to Keene, just before Hillsborough - there was a lot of traffic, going 50-55 in a 55 zone.  Nothing I could do to go faster.  Some person in a little white economy car was tailgating me heavily.  Irritating and dangerous.  I was surprised when the highway opened up more lanes and the person passed me - it was a NH Department of Transportation vehicle, license plate H9.

I was told a story today about a guy who was pulled over in a nearby town and given a breath test.  He'd had 1 beer an hour and a half earlier.  He tested .08, but didn't trust the field test machine and wanted the one in the station.  They handcuffed him and took him in where he blew .04 four times, but they wouldn't believe it.  He started suggesting they let him go and the cop got real mean on him and threated to charge him with reckless driving if he didn't shut up.  Hopefully I'll be able to get an interview with this particular victim of the mafia.

J’raxis 270145

Hasn't been updated in a while, but ancapagency has a blog for stories like this:—


Kat Kanning

Cool, I'd forgotten about that.  Maybe he'd like to write the column.

Russell Kanning

I wasn't surprised that the little white chevy was driven by a government bureaucrat heading home from "work" in Concord.


hi Kat im new obviously my name is Greg.

perhaps we could discuss flouride in our water and chem-trails in our skies??

Southern NH

Russell Kanning

I bet there are already threads about both on this forum. You can add more content.