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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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The Dark side of Phobos

Started by Tunga, July 19, 2008, 07:50 PM NHFT

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Who knows what evil lurks on the dark side.

The shadow knows.

T in disguise.


I have never been to MARS  or any city that resembles it@!@ 8)

47   New Hampshire Underground / General Discussion / Judgement Day 6-6-6  on: June 05, 2006, 11:28 PM NHFT 
Don't try to sleep. It won't help.

the National Press Club last night awarded  "Best Broadcast" to Howard Kurtz of CNN's Reliable Sources. Kurtz and Millbank are in a dead heat in the race to lick George W. Bush's shoes. It's also important to note that the National Press Club has a new member -- welcome Jeff Gannon. - waynemasdenreports.com

"...I can feel
the discomfort in your seat,
And in your head it's worse...". - Depeche Mode - Halo 

648   New Hampshire Underground / NH Independence / Re: What are the downsides to secession?  on: February 21, 2006, 07:34 PM NHFT 
Russ it's not the split with the feds I abhor as much as the loss of our breathrin. The others of the free and independent states. It is our UNION that we signed onto. We didn't sign onto another oppressive master on 6-21-1788.

If our master has gone rogue it is the states job to reel him in. It seems like our protector is working for outside interests in its disregard for the lands highest law. We the People just need to elect folks that have actually read and understood it.

85   New Hampshire Underground / General Discussion / Here come de Flood  on: May 19, 2006, 09:05 PM NHFT 
Tunga has to wonder where all that melted ice gets too. Does it melt into the chilly North Atlantic or evaporate into the Jet stream only just to "Rain on Me"?


Experts at the US Naval Postgraduate School in California think the situation could be even worse. They are about to publish the results of computer simulations that show the current rate of melting, combined with increased access for warmer Pacific water, could make the summertime Arctic ice-free within a decade. Dr. Meier said: "For 800,000 to a million years, at least some of the Arctic has been covered by ice throughout the year. That's an indication that, if we are heading for an ice-free Arctic, it's a really dramatic change and something that is unprecedented almost within the entire record of human species." 


238   New Hampshire Underground / General Discussion / Re: Planning the Route  on: April 25, 2006, 08:07 PM NHFT 
"to tell you the truth I've said it before
tomorrow I start in a new direction
one last time these words from me
I'm never saying them again
and i shut the light
and listen as my watch unwinds"
- Guster  - Come downstairs and say Hello

85   New Hampshire Underground / General Discussion / Re: Liberty Movie's on: May 19, 2006, 09:24 PM NHFT 
Well Law lemme tell ya. Thats a very very fucking long story.

But in a nutshell, if you've been good but not bad for most of the years after the formative ones in which you might be forgivin for original sin and all that you can get into what the Buddhists like to call Nirvana.

Now it's a givin that Kurt Cobane can't be with us tonight to join us in spirit, as he obviously lied to all of us when he sang "...I swear I don't have a gun..". But thats neither in the hear nor there. Kurts still dead.
At least he doesn't have to listen to "HOLE" anymore. Lucky him.

Now by implying that Nirvana is a "place" to get into leaves the door open to reincarnation as this shows the intiate (human for our purposes) is still fixated within the constraints imposed by a physical existence in the now well documented 4 space world.

Yes time is a "real" thing. But it only exists after the the first three dimensions have been observed.

Too observe those vibes you got's to be a part of 'em.

Hence all the dancin about and gigiboo that goes on amongst those crazy human beans.

So theres like, nothing wrong with that. Tunga is all for the Pursuit of Happiness in all. It is the law after everything is said and done.

No Nirvana is not a place. So time cannot stick to it.

It's not even a state of mind, cause that too qualifies as distraction from the truth.

No a mind of matter can never be still.

Still we go on hoping. We turn up the volume of the Stereo to drown it out but still its there.

Peace is elusive. Silence is golden.
Oh, Ok, Tunga get to point now.
According to the Tibetan book of the dead, (third edition/W.Y.Evans-Wentz (not one of those New Age shitferbrains copies put out by the oneworlders we don't think)) Nirvana is outside of time and place. The condition shall we say of the unthought the unformed the nothingness that is the void. Complete freedom from the distraction that is the physical life.

Which by extension supposes that all the life we perceive to exist in the here and now, as our senses reveal everything, is really just a mass hallucination.

That the reality that is Nirvana is one step beyond the need to buy into the mass illusion.

That's freedom from want.

The complete victory.




I've been to Phobos twice.

First was the adventure game, Leather Goddesses of Phobos  :blush:, with its scratch-n-sniff card.

Next, was the first person shooter Doom  >:D

Who says that video games aren't educational?


Quote from: toowm on July 20, 2008, 09:17 PM NHFT
I've been to Phobos twice.

First was the adventure game, Leather Goddesses of Phobos :blush:, with its scratch-n-sniff card.

Next, was the first person shooter ...Doom

Who says that video games aren't educational?

Tunga has a phobia of phobos hence the dark posting. :icon_pirat:

Thanks for sharing your side of the experience. ;D

Which sadly brings up a subject that the Tunga has long dreaded. Due to a scheduling snafu between Tungas earthly and heavenly spirit guides we have been tasked to do the unthinkable. :o

As a direct result of his wildly successfull "campfire talks" that rounded up many of the faithful Americans here on this message board, Tunga has been accidentally selected for duty in the construction of a spiritual portal of some significance.
This all was brought about by yours truly when a transfer request to New Caledonia was missread or misspelled or something so that the supreme judge of the world thought we said 'New Cydonia" (which actually is a city on Mars). Rutt ro.

In a comprimise worked out by our inner earth (crop circle) friends and the heavenlies above (who usually have no time for such pleadings,) Tunga will be allowed to practice his skills in building this pathway and as penence must drag the rest of you along to the next plane of existance. >:D

All of which means the Tunga will be leaving you'all again shortly. :'(



Quote from: Puke on July 22, 2008, 05:25 AM NHFT

Re: Civil Disobedience
« Reply #1019 on: May 12, 2006, 07:15 AM NHFT » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic 

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. ? Mahatma Gandhi

"Drink up, dreamers your running dry" - Here comes the flood - Gabriel

"See there! a son is born -- and we pronounce him fit to fight.
There are black-heads on his shoulders, and he pees himself in the night.
Make a man of him
Put him to trade
Teach him
To play monopoly and
To sing in the rain." - Thick as a Brick - Tull


It's not so much what you have to say as how you say it.

The defences Tesla set up are now appearing.

The opposition is forced to go before they are ready.

That's about it for the human advantage though.

Big guns and big bullets. It's the only thing those damed space invaders understand for sure.

Considering the illusion is consistant like that. Self preservation and the Universal right to it.

The battle for free will is a freeforall for sure. Tungas hidden sources tell him that Love is the answer.

Or in the words of the Worlds greatest Master of the Feedback loop: Jimi Hendrix "Excuse me while I kiss the sky."


Oh, one more thing. About that portal thing. Ah, we ah kinda forgot to mention that a Portal, any good portal anyway is a two way street.
So if the door was to be barged from the other side Tunga will have his hands full keepin out the riff raff wilst still 'llowin' fer the 44.000 ta come thru loud 'n clear so ya understand.