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Will work for freedom...

Started by Joseph Hart, July 17, 2008, 06:14 PM NHFT

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Joseph Hart

Well, its official, I lost my job.  I need some help.  I'm still stuck in RI and no way to get out anytime soon... UNLESS a job in NH opens.  Ive already started looking for a job here in RI but nothing is biting.  I'm willing to do anything.  I'm a graphic designer but farming wouldn't be a problem.  Any suggestions, recommendations, or jobs would be great here guys!

Ron Helwig



Just get here. There'll be a place somewhere.

Little Minnesota is pretty full inside, but temporary camping is OK. I have plenty of work that can be done for camping rent. Just ask Bender   :)

There's other places that could work, I'm sure.

Kat Kanning

You can go live and work on organic farms in NH (and elsewhere) for free.  Ask MTPorcupine3 (Rich) on this forum about it.

Joseph Hart