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Help stop politicians from handing your workplace over to a union

Started by Feanor7, July 17, 2008, 02:08 PM NHFT

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Hey everyone, I'm working on a project to educate people on the EFCA (Employee Freedom of Choice Act, a painful misnomer) and where the candidates that are running stand on the issue.

The biggest problem with the EFCA is that it would replace the current secret ballot system of choosing whether or not one's workplace organizes with card check voting, which opens employees up to harassment and intimidation from labor organizers.  If this law passes, it will become a FEDERAL code.  That means that every employer in the US will have to comply.  Bad news.

I've set up a youtube channel to put up the videos I've gotten, and I'm working on a big plan for this coming Monday.  If you're interested in helping out, please PM me.  Thanks!

The youtube channel is http://www.youtube.com/employeefreedomnh


Seriously?  Not one person on a freaking political action board is willing to help out with this?



Quick bump -

If anyone decides they want to help out, meet me outside Murphy's at 5:30 today.  Thanks!


It is funny how some people think that unions are there best friend... in my experience they they are the worst of the worst, enacting trade laws to protect their work against smaller private contractors, threatening people (and worse), paying off politicians, talking down on anyone not in their gang, requiring people to be members in order to work, charging dues that are used to support already corrupt politicians, etc...

I would try to help you out but I'm in IL right now :(


Things went well, and in my worst journalistic style, a good time was had by all!  Here's the video:

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Feanor7 on July 18, 2008, 08:48 AM NHFT
Seriously?  Not one person on a freaking political action board is willing to help out with this?

For future reference, this is the specifically nonpolitical action board. They used to have a politics section; the owners of the board are opposed to political action (they're purely market anarchists), got sick of it, and deleted it in 2007-12.

There's the NHLA board, already mentioned, and http://nhpoliticalaction.com/ which was set up for political activism in response to the above-mentioned deletion, but it's fallen dormant.

Pat McCotter

Lincoln Electric
How a DownTurn Put One Rust Belt Company's Principles To The Test

QuoteA non-union company
The company has always been non-union, and no serious attempt has ever been made to unionize the work force. A workers advisory board has been meeting regularly with senior management since 1914. They have been responsible for initiating a wide range of actions through the years: Recommending the bonus system in 1934; investigating the compensation of the CEO (they decided he was underpaid); analyzing "why competitor A is underselling us by 10 percent," etc., Sabo reports.

Asked about unions, Hastings' answer reflects the views of James F. Lincoln who once characterized collective bargaining as "civil war": "Unionism in this country has grown from bad management; grown from management exploiting people," says Hastings. "We always tried to look at people as individuals."

What advice would he give to a company thinking of establishing a similar management incentive program? "You must ask yourself, 'What are your motives?' If it's just to make more money, forget it. But if it's to treat people as human beings, as individuals, copy everything we do."


I'm a little late on this one, but I agree, labor unions are often legal gangs, and I won't be supporting the a-holes with votes.