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So much for global warming!

Started by Raineyrocks, August 20, 2008, 08:44 AM NHFT

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John Edward Mercier

Quote from: telomerase on August 21, 2008, 08:14 PM NHFT
QuoteThe predicators will be long dead and won't have to live with ridicule.

A predicator is the verb in its functional relation to the clause. (I only bring that up because John is supposed to be writing op-eds, not wasting time on forums  ;). We could chain him to a non-Internet-capable word processor, if it weren't for that darned 13th amendment.)

The predictors can still be subject to ridicule if we pay to have them stored at Alcor.org  ;D

Nice catch. I was typing really fast, and not proof reading.

John Edward Mercier

I'm still having a tough time in my mind whether to refer to them as predictors (ha... spelled it correctly this time) or predators (my other thought). It seems that they are much more intent on making people afraid of the future for personal gain (government/corporate grants) than adding anything of value to science.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: John Edward Mercier on August 22, 2008, 07:38 AM NHFT
I'm still having a tough time in my mind whether to refer to them as predictors (ha... spelled it correctly this time) or predators (my other thought). It seems that they are much more intent on making people afraid of the future for personal gain (government/corporate grants) than adding anything of value to science.

Bingo! It's "Publish or perish!" with them, also.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: John Edward Mercier on August 20, 2008, 09:49 AM NHFT
Might as well toss a coin.

Exactly. I don't believe this any more than I do the global warming theories. Both theories just go to show that they don't nearly have enough data to be making accurate predictions about anything.

John Edward Mercier

I think the problem is more predicting the inputs accurately.
I would hate to fathom a guess (and yes it would only be a wild guess) as to the human population on the planet or their CO2 output in 2100.
Technology and innovation are much too big a variable.
Which is where I think Malthus made his mistake.

john son

yes as you said the globule warming was increasing very much every one is seeing that how much the world was get developing but they are not taking care about the increasing of the pollution.As the factories get increasing and temperature is also get changing if it get increasing like this only what happens after some years can you imagine. :o ::)
New Hampshire Drug Addiction   

Kat Kanning

Let that be a warning to all to stay away from drugs.

John Edward Mercier
