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Ridiculous Federal Regulations

Started by BaRbArIaN, September 04, 2008, 11:40 AM NHFT

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Apparently if you make a "Molitov Cocktail", you must register it as a firearm.    When does this get extended to knives, rocks, sticks etc?

Yes the guy was a whackjob, made threats, etc., but you'd think the threat making and other things would be enough.


"Destructive device."

Next we'll need licenses to posses any kind of engine, 'because' there are tiny explosions!  Or maybe they'll make us get a license to burn wood, it's soooo destructive...

They had to find some way to arrest him that could stick...then when he tries to plea he gets a slightly reduced charge and everyone is happy, except for him since he'll probably lose his 2a rights for life.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: doobie on September 04, 2008, 01:14 PM NHFT
"Destructive device."

Next we'll need licenses to posses any kind of engine, 'because' there are tiny explosions!  Or maybe they'll make us get a license to burn wood, it's soooo destructive...

Heh, this reminded me of a chapter in The Underground History of American Education:—

QuoteWhat if I proposed that we hand three sticks of dynamite and a detonator to anyone who asked for them. All an applicant would need is money to pay for the explosives. You'd have to be an idiot to agree with my plan—at least based on the assumptions you picked up in school about human nature and human competence.

And yet gasoline, a spectacularly mischievous explosive, dangerously unstable and with the intriguing characteristic as an assault weapon that it can flow under locked doors and saturate bulletproof clothing, is available to anyone with a container. Five gallons of gasoline have the destructive power of a stick of dynamite.3 The average tank holds fifteen gallons, yet no background check is necessary for dispenser or dispensee. As long as gasoline is freely available, gun control is beside the point. Push on. Why do we allow access to a portable substance capable of incinerating houses, torching crowded theaters, or even turning skyscrapers into infernos? We haven't even considered the battering ram aspect of cars—why are novice operators allowed to command a ton of metal capable of hurtling through school crossings at up to two miles a minute? Why do we give the power of life and death this way to everyone?

It should strike you at once that our unstated official assumptions about human nature are dead wrong. Nearly all people are competent and responsible; universal motoring proves that.


Same reason why cigarettes are legal and marijuana isn't.....

...or cars aren't deadly weapons but for whatever the reason firearms are....



They do that because it is easier to condemn the item by banning possession rather than by proving intent here let me drag it out. If they can scare enough people to cry out for the banning of something dangerous because it causes harm they don't have to prove that someone intended to use it for nefarious purposes, just an easier method of control. "You really don't need an AK-47 to hunt hey who goes hunting to put meat on the table anyway we have grocery stores for that" and any way AK-47 are EVIL most people these days buy their meat rather than the "barbaric" hunting anyway so you really don't need that argument.and that's how they turn the people into sheeple. but we already know all that. Don't we ?