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My article about NH, my visit and first (well, really second) impressions

Started by vanguardist, September 23, 2008, 03:45 PM NHFT

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Nice article  ;D

I hope to see you in "The shire" when I am able to escape the Empire State (queue the Star Wars theme).


Fluff and Stuff

Great article.  I dugg it, favorited it, shouted it, and shared it with the FSP Doers list.

Free libertarian

Nice article, I checked out your blog too.  New Hampshire is where you need to be.


Most of the feedback has been good but then I got this.


You don't know me from a hole in the ground, but I'll give you a tip. NH is not a free state, and as a free stater, you will encounter many instances of disillusion. I left NH 2 years ago. I lived there 20 years. At the end of that 20 years, I was still the "new" family on the block.

All I asked of my neighbors was to leave me be, and I would do the same. I was one of 3 families that lived on our road when we arrived, and by the time I left there were 12 houses there, and still I was the "new" family, even to the new arrivals.

They could not and would not leave me be for the entire time I lived there. You will find the same I'm afraid. I was a free-stater before the term was coined, but these people will attack you with a full arsenal. They will use arcane local ordinances from 50 years back, state regulatory agencies and even the police to prevent you from living free.

My police force was a town chief when we moved in, he had a part time assistant. Last time there was a problem, Eight police showed up in paramilitary gear, carrying ar-15's to answer a false 911 call.

Where I am now, the locals don't even approach, much less pry into my business. I'm hiding out in the open here. I will however, be returning to NH this weekend, to sign my house back over to my bank. You could get a sweet deal on a log cabin surrounded by woods if you're interested. 5.6 acres of hardwoods, soil's not much for growing. Get's really cold around January, expect -20 for a week or two. The night sky is fantasitic though. I'm down in SW NY now, and you get no night sky here.

If you move to NH, I wish you luck. First impressions are not necessarily lasting ones. The free staters there so far have fought an uphill battle, as will always be the case I'm afraid.



We are fighting an uphill battle, but that would be true anywhere.  If he finds a place where statism, and forced intervention in personal lives is not the norm, I would love to know where.  He mentions the intervention, or so far the lack of intervention by "hiding out in the open", that can actually be done in large cities, but when the intervention occurs, it will not be with flowers and cupcakes, not with todays police just waiting to use their nice fed paid for toys. 
One of my personal debates when trying to decide where to live, was weather to 'hide in the open' of a larger city,( an idea I was very much in favor of initially) but that has a larger police force, more bureaucracy, and lots more statists, or live in a smaller city that has all the same type of problems that a large city has, just not as many of them, on the flip side you are not as anonymous either.  Keene cops will arrest me just like the Manchvegas cops will, if I resist, they will use their toys just like the New York cops will, if I try to play the legal game, 'by the rules' so to speak, the statists will try to stop me just like they would in every city I am aware of. 
The guy is right that NH is no 'free state' utopia, but from honest personal experience I don't think they are much, if any, more interventionist, or militarist, than any other state in the union. 

Russell Kanning

obviously NY would be much easier for us.

I have not been treated that way by my neighbors. Most of my neighbors have been friendly. Some are even glad we came to stand up to the thugs.

There are government thugs everywhere. They are the enemy we have to defeat.

Lloyd Danforth

I've been in Grafton for about a year. I don't sense any 'new guy' reaction here from folks here.

K. Darien Freeheart

Anarchy in Our Heads and no link to Dale's comic? :P

In all seriousness, I'm glad you enjoyed the trip and are looking forward to the move.

And thanks for the links about why New Hampshire is a great place to live, those help me with a project I'm working on right now.


I have found in my couple of years in New Hampshire that the people treat you well as long as you are not a nuisance.  If you want to be a problem child, you will be treated like one.  I wouldn't recommend making your property an eyesore (except in Grafton).  I wouldn't recommend outdoors target shooting at all hours of the night.  I wouldn't recommend nude sunbathing on the front lawn.  I wouldn't recommend trench latrines.

I suspect that all it takes to get along with most people in New Hampshire is mutual respect.  Heck, I am even civil to the people with Shaheen signs on their lawn  ;)



Quote from: Kevin Dean on September 24, 2008, 08:15 AM NHFT
Anarchy in Our Heads and no link to Dale's comic? :P

In all seriousness, I'm glad you enjoyed the trip and are looking forward to the move.

And thanks for the links about why New Hampshire is a great place to live, those help me with a project I'm working on right now.

Btw, those links came out of a FSP page (which is also linked). They've been around for a while and I think the page gets updated whenever new stats come out.

Regarding Dave's link...well, I didn't see a place to link. Besides, it was supposed to be a specific reference to the people who know about his comic.

PattyLee loves dogs


Quote from: telomerase on September 24, 2008, 07:41 PM NHFT
You'll love it here. Are you moving to the Dartmouth area?

I'm thinking Manchester but nothing has been ruled out yet.