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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Live Free or Die Festival Boycott *WITHDRAWN*

Started by FTL_Ian, October 16, 2008, 09:16 PM NHFT

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Quote from: jaqeboy on October 17, 2008, 08:24 PM NHFT. . . talk with him also about the legal aspects of the event and the court struggles he had with the town trying to prevent free speech from happening in the public square.  [etc.]
... Talk to Mike for further details on that.

My recollection is that someone(s) was trying to use the (local?) government to shut this/Mike's event down, in year 1.
Seems to me, those folks who were trying used the race card... News went out.

News spreads in (sometimes) strange ways ... maybe it drew more racists to attend. Regardless, the news made it to me and I went - with a Freedom mesage.

We all ended up there; mostly enjoying a beautiful afternoon. Some big "guy named Jim"  ;D and his little wife  ;) were even there. They had a very nice ride which was quite good on gas - actually ZERO gas required. I knew other folks there as well - including "some guy" named Dave Ridley who was advertising NHfree.com - with tape - on his forehead.
What a strange bunch we were. You had to be there to know how strange it was.

I thanked Mike that day, and I thank him now.

I could go (and on) on but, basically, I'm thinking that we should ALL get together MORE OFTEN. If we can't get together and compete for the best ideas now and then, what the hell have we come to?

IF WE CAN'T GET - PEACEFULY (ie. full of peace) - TOGETHER in the "town square" and exchange ideas WE ALL LOSE!

Let's keep talking. I was not afraid to go back and talk to the racists. I like to think that MAYBE some of my mesage reached through to some of them - in some way.

We hear a lot about peaceful non-cooperation. Let's also work on peaceful cross-communication.
Let's all Live Free Before We Die!

Russell Kanning


This whole flap brings up an idea discussed before, and that is of a site to post suggested boycotts and stated reasons. I know Carol Moore has a page on her site, and I've seen others. Then there was the question raised of some boycotts being illegal, ie, boycotting of Israeli-made goods. There is the concept of voting with your purchases/attendance and I know that Catherine Austin Fitts promotes that with her Solari Circles idea (I don't know the details).

edit: Corrected to Carol Moore => http://carolmoore.net


Should this have its own thread? CarolMoore.net reproduces this:


Below is the Table of Contents of Gene Sharp's book The Methods of Nonviolent Action, Boston 1973. The book is available from War Resisters League, 339 Layfayette St. NY NY 10004 (212) 228-0450

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: jaqeboy on October 19, 2008, 01:11 PM NHFT
Should this have its own thread? CarolMoore.net reproduces this:


Below is the Table of Contents of Gene Sharp's book The Methods of Nonviolent Action, Boston 1973. The book is available from War Resisters League, 339 Layfayette St. NY NY 10004 (212) 228-0450
Here it the thread where we have such resources...