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Is this good to do in discussion/debate?

Started by AnarchoJesse, November 19, 2008, 03:49 PM NHFT

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Earlier this evening I was having a discussion over me open carrying my firearm. Eventually, a point was brought up that I found absolutely morally repugnant, and I made this assertion clear (I stated, "Frankly, I look down on you a bit from a moral standpoint")-- I got some looks right away, but I think I bolstered my case by saying "now, I don't think you're a bad guy, but there is a certain amount of moral degeneracy in your reasoning that I can't reconcile with".

The question is, is it a good idea to make such moral pronouncements known, especially within the context of the idea towards that person? Rand made a pretty strong case about this, and I tend to agree with her on it, which is where my line of reasoning comes from in make the moral pronouncement, and is expanded upon here

K. Darien Freeheart

My personal opinion is that it all depends on the person you're talking with and what it is you're interested in accomplishing. If I was chatting with someone who "got it" but didn't quite "get it" (If you're an FTL listener - MARK!) then I'd CERTAINLY bring out the moral arguement.

If I was chatting with a liberal friend who hadn't been exposed to any of the ideas, I'd never "put the gun in their hand" that is. I'd try to get them to see the violence, but not make them responsible for it. Dropping the "you're doing something immoral" is a nice way to put someone like that on the defensive and I'm never open to many new ideas when I'm there.


Saying I find that point of view morally repugnant is honest, I think, but the way you said it was overtly condescending. It's kind of an empty argument. Obviously you disagree, but it definitely just sounds like a personal attack at that point and has no meaning other than "I feel really strongly about this!" only more personal.