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Oath-less Public Officials

Started by joeyforpresident, August 19, 2005, 09:53 AM NHFT

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I'm investigating some towns' public officials south of Dallas (where I live) that do not have their Texas Constitution-mandated Oath of Office on file.

This is a criminal offense, folks.

Wrote an article about it in February, but New York State just had a massive ordeal with 90% of their judiciary not being Oathed.

There's an Oath to the Constitution and a Performance Bond that are required before any public official - appointed or elected - can assume that role.

In Ellis County, Texas, which is the county directly south of Dallas, I've got two towns so far that have no legal court judge(s). One town (Midlothian) doesn't have their chief oathed and filed (as well as their chief of police).

Is there any effort up in NH to see about if these officials have their oaths?

There is one citizen down here who says people should start filing bond forfeiture lawsuits to get the insurance companies to pressure the city and what not; he said charges should be filed against city budget officials for signing checks to give taxpayer-funded salaries to these "impersonators."

Really, though, from a reporter's standpoint, I guess the only thing to do is gauge public opinion --- i.e., open records request the last 10 people who appeared before the municipal court judge and ask them how they feel about paying fines to an oathless judge.

Stir the pot comes to mind...


In today?s society of public officials (?I did not have sex with that woman?) do you really think an oath even means anything any more?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: lildog on August 19, 2005, 10:06 AM NHFT
In today's society of public officials ("I did not have sex with that woman") do you really think an oath even means anything any more?

amen brother :)