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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Gard, August 21, 2005, 11:46 AM NHFT

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I wanted to let those interested know that there may be a possibility of syndicating "Against the Grain". There is one station owner who may be inclined to work with me if we can approach various stations around the state. The key is getting potential advertisers who would be willing to back us in the various regions that correspond with the stations we want to approach. For example, if we were going to try to approach a station in the seacoast area, we would want to contact business owners there who liked the show, and tell them what we were planning. With a cadre of potential advertisers in each region (the seacoast, Manchester, Concord, Nashua, etc.) we could attract station managers much more easily than without them.

I've gotten a great number of excellent ideas about how to keep libertarian radio going on a widespread level across New Hampshire, and I plan on doing my best to get our broadcast platform back on the air. I felt pleased to be able to have people on the show whom I respect and for whom I root, and to me it's vital that I work hard to get something comparable to the listenership of GIR or better. The key, of course, is how to attract stations to pick us up, and how to contact businesses that are philisophically in line with what we have done on the show thusfar. If you would like to offer any thoughts, send me an e-mail, and feel free to get in touch with business owners who liked the show. I hope I can get this done!

All the best!



Gard bring your radio idea over to a new section on this forum called "Business and Jobs ".    It was just started this AM.  We can find you investors and people to work for at station, so -forth.


Phil Wallis

Russell Kanning

We kindof do things all over this forum ...... but I could see all the business ideas migrating :)


Great idea Russell!

I'll head over tomorrow night! Gotta hit the sack tonight. Thanks much!



Dave Ridley



    Surely you've spoken with Bob Vinikoor at WNTK by now.  If not, it would be a good idea.  He's already Libertarian friendly...