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New Hampshire will take the unusual step of halting jury trials

Started by feralfae, December 10, 2008, 10:44 PM NHFT

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Did I miss the post on this? Need help with articles?
Congratulations to you all for being so effective that they are suspending juries!
Way to go!
I hope you are all finding wonderful ways to allow less and less to be stolen from you by the state.
This should cause more people to become disenchanted with the robber class.

"Jury Trials to Be Halted in One State Feeling Pinch
New Hampshire will take the unusual step of halting jury trials
Published: December 8, 2008
BOSTON — The Superior Court system in New Hampshire will take the unusual step of halting jury trials for a month early next year because of a widening state budget crisis.

John Broderick, the state's chief justice, said suspending trials was essential to avoid layoffs in the judicial system, which has already cut $2.7 million from its budget.

The measure will save about $73,000, the monthly amount spent on stipends for jurors. But the head of an association representing civil trial lawyers said it could have a harsh impact on plaintiffs, many of whom have already waited years for a judgment in their case..."

John Edward Mercier

K. Darien Freeheart

Does this mean they're going to blatantly ignore the Constitution, or simply refuse to proceed when a jury trial is required?

Jim Johnson

...suspending trials was essential to avoid layoffs in the judicial system...

Meaning, their going to suspend constitutional guarantees so they don't have to layoff useless jackasses around the court house.

J’raxis 270145

How about vacating all of the traffic cases that clog the District Courts on a daily basis? This is practically all the Manchester court was doing the two times I've spent a day there. I doubt it's different elsewhere.

Oh, right, those make thousands of dollars for the State on a daily basis... >:(

Kat Kanning


Yes, it's a wonderful state. Here are the judges salaries for 2009:

Chief justice, supreme court $151,477
Associate justices, supreme court $146,917
Chief justice, superior court and administrative judges appointed $146,917
pursuant to supreme court rule 54
Associate justices, superior court $137,804
District court justices prohibited from practice pursuant to RSA $137,804
502""A: 21
Probate judges prohibited from practice pursuant to RSA 547:2""a $137,804

In contrast, the Governor makes $108,990 per year and he donates it all back to the State.

A judge is nothing but a lawyer that is to dumb to make a living as a lawyer.

John Edward Mercier

Are you sure that Lynch donates all his earnings from holding office back to the State?

Lloyd Danforth

When I attended the two Plays, referred to as trials for Lauren and Kat, I counted all the people on the other side of the Bar, most of whom were doing nothing and figured about 50 bucks an hour each.  It added up to about 700$ an hour.


700, not bad.  They could have let Lauren go, but...they felt the need to 'deter' us.   ::)
I believe they are suspending civil juries only, not criminal.  I don't know if that makes any difference constitutionally though.