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Firecracker Joe Arrested When They Found His Girlfriend's Gun

Started by TackleTheWorld, August 28, 2007, 02:28 PM NHFT

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firecracker joe

usually any charge that involoves a gun is big trouble. The facts are im a felon cause in 1992 i possessed 10 pot plants and 1.5 grams of blow and i did 2 years in prison for it, havent been in much trouble since.
         AA in my opinion is cultish and even though its annonymous the DOC makes alot of parolees go with no choice. I am a recovering addict who relapses monthly. the 12 step program is good if you let it work for you and you work the steps.
        anyone can bring a weapon to my property  and as long as it is in their control it is not against the law for me to be there. I thought i could beat the bottle and that my ex would choose me over the bottle as I was being led out of my  house in handcuffs i realized the bottle won and that i was not going to jail trying to change someone who didnt want to change until bad things happen then its too late . So she now lives in the system between shelters, jail, gutters, hospitals and people who dont know her. I have known her for 20 years but weve been a couple for 10 and yes over time as the disease grew we grew further apart and i feel i tried everything other than involving the law now they can have her. Its too bad she wasnt always such a psycho , I prefer to be alone in my home if the other choice is being locked up. She has been involved in the program for years as far back as going to alanon when she was in school in the late 70's. It is hereditary and her father although a functioning drunk still a drunk to his death. Alcoholism takes no prisoners and does not discriminate. I feel if you notice the only time things are bad in your life is when your using maybe you would stop using. She will always have a part of my heart but not my home.Now i know why her family wont let her live with them.Live and learn.All she needs to do to make amends to me is stop using and work on fixing her life. she knows untill then we will be distant friends but i will write her in jail since shes been on her own shes been arressted over 6 times  and the whole 10 years we were together she was only arressted once when she dialed 911 from my house and they dragged her out for being drunk and belligerent  about 3-4 years ago she just doesnt learn.
I appreciate all the input from here thankyou all
I agree about doors and i opened the door to the free state project about 5 years ago and am very glad the freestaters for the most part are friendly and enjoyable people and we all have one thing in common   FREEDOM and we agree where there is no victim their is no crime!!!!!!!!!!


Your a good man, turn the page my friend and pray for me.
I'm a bit of a drunk myself, functional but too much drinking. ::) 

firecracker joe


I'm so sorry you had to go through this, My Friend.  Both the girlfriend-gone-bad and the visit to loony legal land.  But mostly I'd like to say:
Yeah, Joe is not going to prison!
:broc1: :broc1: :broc1:
I'm so happy to hear the latest news.
Continue your live and love, Big Guy.

(my 2 cents: Never let that destructive women steal one more second of your life.)

firecracker joe

 :) thankyou for the kind words lauren and your 2cents are worth alot more than 2 cents to me, kinda funny even the arresting leo said that same thing so i guess were all on the same track.


Quote from: jose on December 03, 2008, 12:32 PM NHFT
:D :D WOO HOO  its over i ended up with 6 months in jail suspended for 2 years no fine or probation which is what i feared most. prosecutor wanted 1.5-3 in prison suspended for 5 years plus 1 year probation  i never would have made it. So its back to my life the last 1.5 a bad dream

Alright!  :D