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Armless girl becomes pilot

Started by coffeeseven, December 27, 2008, 12:35 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

If she ever crashes they will be looking for those missing limbs forever!

Pat K

Sadly she has been grounded by a severe case
of athletes foot.


Neat story Coffee, thanks!   I was watching this show last night about this lady that didn't have any legs, it was absolutely amazing!   She was so inspirational, especially her mental outlook on life, just awesome!  :D

Lloyd and Pat, you two are just really evil, but still funny!  You guys constantly have me wondering if I'm going to heaven, (if there is one), or not just for laughing at some of your posts!  ;D

Lloyd Danforth



Reminds me of Kyle Maynard, a wrestler born with only stumps for arms and legs. Not only is he a good wrestler. He's also a best-selling author, and yes, he typed the book himself.
