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John stood up to the man, the man backed down

Started by Kat Kanning, July 27, 2009, 11:05 AM NHFT

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Quote from: cathleeninnh on July 27, 2009, 03:31 PM NHFTLeo?

That's short for Law Enforcement Officer - as apposed to "PEACE OFFICER"

Maybe I'll post more later ...
BIG thanks to you all for your kind words & support!


BTW - I said very little (to any but some close friends) about my case in advance, because I was unsure if I might chicken out at some point in their court. And, I did not want to let anyone down.
I've never done time before and was afraid I might not do very well in their prison system. Maybe they would break me.

I stood my ground. I had the support of friends. I prepared (as best I could) for the Big long-haul. And, I had begun a water-only fast.

I brought a bag-full of fruit to break my fast -just in case the State Failed/I won.

We shared and enjoyed peach, orange, apple, & cherries on our way out of the government Trap.
We enjoyed hiking around several small water falls on the way Home to Grafton.

The afternoon thunder - without rain - spoke of what could be!

:bus: :bus: :flower: :wav: :tent: :peace:

The thick Grafton Fog sits gently upon the valley tonight. 

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: John on July 27, 2009, 11:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on July 27, 2009, 03:31 PM NHFTLeo?

That's short for Law Enforcement Officer - as apposed to "PEACE OFFICER"

Maybe I'll post more later ...
BIG thanks to you all for your kind words & support!

Peace Officer:


Mike Barskey

Fan-friggin-tastic, John!

(also, nice contrasting pix, Lloyd)


I have challenged 3 separate traffic infractions in the last 2 years. It appears more and more folks are starting to do the same.
I did it just to clog up the system and make the clowns work for their money. But the more I researched representing myself, the more I believed I could beat them.

All cases were dismissed. Easily.

I postponed my intial appearance numerous times and then when I finally appreared, I asked for a trial. I played lawyer and asked for discovery. Basically this is a subpeona to make them supply me with all information that was pertinent to my case (videos, audios, records, calibration methods of radar gun, type of radar gun, officers training certificates of radar, backround history of officer, etc etc. Make the list as long as possible, schedule a trial date and then postpone that as much as possible. heh heh evil grin.

If anyone is interested in more specifics, PM me. I'd be glad to help and I hope others start fighting back. It is actually fun to win in their kangaroo court system. And the kicker? They did a shitload of work and did not receive a dime for their efforts. AND they had to do 90% of the work! I had it easy.




Only 5% contest a ticket. The other 95% of sheeple pay off the thugs without question.
You can pay your fines and get tagged on your insurance rates for years and be on your merry way.

Challenging a ticket takes two things:

1. your time

2. devotion to a cause

Keyser Soce

Russell Kanning

i'm with cathleen
i just don't show up anymore


Not appearing for the traffic infraction gets you a free pass in the gulag.(arrest warrant issued, bail posted and the loss of your drivers license (if you have one). I guess some folks could choose not to appear but I need to work to make money to support a family. The thugs enjoy locking us up and they are good at it. I'd rather peacefully fight them and walk away free. Jail sucks, been there, done that.



Indeed. I don't think anyone here would fault you for taking a different tact because you need to support a family(I hope...if anything, I won't). Others without such responsibilities can take the other(or yet others) tact.