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new jersey decals new drivers

Started by keith in RI, April 15, 2009, 09:04 PM NHFT

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First they came for the youngens...

And you know the existence of these decals is going to cause a crash somewhere, because someone altered their driving after noticing a dangerous youngster in front or behind them.


""It will probably be nondescript and simple, and the public at large is probably not even going to notice it," Fischer said."

Assuming it, as they say, isn't going to be used to profile "dangerous" teenagers, this takes away the ONLY positive use I can see for this, being warning people so they can give inexperienced drivers a wide berth. I'm not a driver myself, never got my license. If I were to get one I'd volutarily warn people that I may very well do something retarded, because of my inexperience behind the wheel.
By making it unnoticable, the only use left is for profiling. I wonder if I, as an adult in New Jersey, would have to get one of these things as well.


Sounds like a bullseye for "blue light rapists" to target.

J’raxis 270145

This is the third step in the progression I've expected.

First, it was marking sex offenders. Sure, fine, they're evil nasty vile criminals; they deserve it. We need to know who they are, for our safety. No one complains.

Then, it was marking drunk drivers. Sure, fine, they're evil horrible irresponsible people; they deserve it. We need to know who they are, too, for our safety. No one complains.

Now, it's marking drivers based solely on their age. Who's going to complain? We're already doing this to so many others by now!

/And to imagine how the AARP would howl discrimination if they tried to mark drivers over 80, say, instead of under 21...


Can we tag old drivers too? The way my father in law drives is SCARY.


Quote from: Discipula on April 15, 2009, 11:43 PM NHFT
Can we tag old drivers too? The way my father in law drives is SCARY.

Not that I support tagging any drivers, but my dad does drive pretty poorly at this point. Last week he borrowed my car and drove it into a curb on the side of the road and blew out the tire, screwed up the alignment, etc. He blamed it on taking his nighttime medications in the morning by mistake.

Somehow it doesn't surprise me that Gov. Corzine is leading the way in tormenting teen drivers even further. The sad thing is that none of this is going to fix the problem that people in NJ just plain drive like maniacs. I only go seven miles each way to work and it is an adventure every day. The only safe vehicle on a road in NJ would be a military Humvee.



Also it will give cops reasons to stop people if the young drivers are out past curfew, the cops can just look at the sticker on the car and know that they can just ring the cash register and harass some kids.


This is another reason I hate living in NJ.  I can only imagine it will be a matter of time before they come up with a similar idea for legal gun owners, for police officer safety when making traffic stops.  I have spent alot of time wondering why the hell I moved here, really haven't come up with even a logical reason let alone a good one.