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Gregg, Vows to Block Removal of Fed’s Audit Shield

Started by thinkliberty, November 21, 2009, 10:15 AM NHFT

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QuoteA U.S. senator said he would seek to block any legislation containing a measure to remove the Federal Reserve's shield from congressional audits of the central bank's interest-rate decisions

....Judd Gregg, a New Hampshire Republican and Banking Committee member, said in an interview today that the measure "would do fundamental damage to the strength of our financial structure as a nation

...Gregg, 62, who was elected in 1992 and plans to retire from the Senate next year, attributed the Paul legislation's success to "populist fervor" and lawmakers "pandering" to the public.

If the audit provisions become law, "you will fundamentally harm the stability of the dollar and our ability to fight inflation, because the Fed's ability to deal with interest rates will be chilled by the fear of congressional oversight," Gregg said."

You know times are tough when lawmakers start "pandering" to the public. Good thing we have a NH republican in office. He will put an end to those who would do "pandering" to the public, with a filibuster!

Sovereign Curtis


There is lampost with the senators name on it. That's not chilling is it? Cause the Tunga is really coming from a very warm place.


I know. I know. I can hear it already; "He's not as bad as some of the others".
But - Gregg still SUCKS ...

PattyLee loves dogs

The dollar has stability? Then I guess the senator won't mind selling me a few tons of 20-dollar gold pieces for 20 dollars each. What were they worth last week? $1,150 or so?


Quote from: PattyLee loves dogs on November 22, 2009, 08:37 PM NHFT
The dollar has stability? Then I guess the senator won't mind selling me a few tons of 20-dollar gold pieces for 20 dollars each. What were they worth last week? $1,150 or so?

Actually, "face value" of the 1 oz. Gold Eagles and Gold Buffaloes are $50... There was a businessman not too long back that was paying his employees with them and they were all claiming them at face value. The federales stepped in and arrested them all for tax evasion, because they were claiming them at face value on their taxes. I never heard how that turned out, but the argument was that either way the government is committing fraud... either they ARE worth only $50 US or the "face value" is a fraud and they are worth more... can't have it both ways. If anyone knows how that turned out, I'd be interested. I've been out of the country for awhile.


Quote from: FreelanceFreedomFighter on November 23, 2009, 10:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: PattyLee loves dogs on November 22, 2009, 08:37 PM NHFT
The dollar has stability? Then I guess the senator won't mind selling me a few tons of 20-dollar gold pieces for 20 dollars each. What were they worth last week? $1,150 or so?

Actually, "face value" of the 1 oz. Gold Eagles and Gold Buffaloes are $50... There was a businessman not too long back that was paying his employees with them and they were all claiming them at face value. The federales stepped in and arrested them all for tax evasion, because they were claiming them at face value on their taxes. I never heard how that turned out (...)