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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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The Conspiracy Begins... Plz read, porcupines!

Started by Gard, November 02, 2005, 10:21 PM NHFT

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Greetings, all...

I wanted to announce to you that the Liberty Conspiracy has begun. This is the .com side of the non-profit organization I have been planning on creating for a couple of years. Before my father passed away, I spoke to him about it, and he was very enthusiastic about the idea.

If you go to www.libertyconspiracy.com you will see the beginnings of something that is going to become much larger, full of resources that include book and film suggestions, audio files and skits from the show, and new items that I will produce specifically for the website. There will also be a daily update about issues that could be important to defenders of liberty. You can check out today's update for a look at what Judd Gregg is trying to do to combat avian flu. What a guy!

Feel free to drop off your comments here, and you can always hear the show online on wntk.com

See ya!



<rubs hands together>


<rubs hands together>


Lloyd Danforth

Great site!
I noticed a link to Katherine Albretch's book.  I wonder if Amazon uses RFID's.


Lloyd Danforth

Sooner or later most companies will use the technology. We must be on the look out for abuses, although, I'm not sure when or how they will be manifested.  They will probably be used in the beginning to track consumer habits.

Subject, Lloyd Danforth entered Starbucks at 3:35 PM, 11/04/05, in posession of 1) Walbaums Market loyality card, 1) CVS loyality card, 1) Freestyle Model 30 Wallet, 1) Haynes Pocket T-Shirt (red), 1) copy book, Why Geography Matters.
Subject leaves Starbuck's at 4:12 in posession of same items plus:  1) 1/2 Lb. Sumatra Bean, 1) 1 Grande cup.



Thanks for the input! Knowing that cool folks like you will be visiting is good incentive to do it right. As Danko Jones says, "If you wanna do it, do it right." This will defintely the the case!

There is a book coming soon, a collection of articles on economics and politics, plus short stories, and some unproduced screenplays and TV scripts that will be included. It's part of a larger set of creations that will eventually look to members of the FSP to be part of down the line. I'm going to talk a bit about it at the Merrimack Cty meeting in Manchvegas on Saturday. Probably will be there at 1:15 or so.

Meanwhile, don't mind any technical hurdles we might be handling for a few days on Libertyconspiracy.com. We have a pretty heavy data load to get set up, and it's part of a large project. Right now, I'm pretty pleased with the progress. Seth has been very helpful in tons of ways.

Stay free! And look for DAVE RIDLEY on Monday's show!!! We'll talk firearms, and the right to keep and bear them!




Kat Kanning


It looks like there's going to be some good stuff on there....... But, you might want to get a different web editor......



Gard, I really appreciate the podcasting on the liberty conspiracy site. My schedule doesn't allow me to listen live to your show, though I love it. Keep up the good work.  8)


Thank you, Alan...

It's been a blast getting the content over to the libertyconspiracy site. Seth has really been helpful. Pretty soon we'll have even more. I'm looking forward to it all.

Gotta run!



Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 03, 2005, 04:14 PM NHFT
Sooner or later most companies will use the technology. We must be on the look out for abuses, although, I'm not sure when or how they will be manifested.? They will probably be used in the beginning to track consumer habits.

Walmart uses RFID and is now requiring all in their supply chain to use the technology, too.  Soon it will as common as credit cards.