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RON PAUL tells truth and wins CPAC!!! See it here on NHUnderground!!!

Started by PattyLee loves dogs, February 24, 2010, 02:34 PM NHFT

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PattyLee loves dogs

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:party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020: :party-smiley-020:

PattyLee loves dogs

Hope Kat and Russel dont see the rest of CPAC it is truly disgusting; starts with Cheny, site hides the victory of RON PAUL so the RINO party does not
support him.  :puke:

Reports that Paulies were kept out and they still took over. :pirateship: