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Started by Graelin, May 06, 2010, 03:34 PM NHFT

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Hi... My name is Thom.. and I'm recovering from 'ostrich syndrome'.

I have to thank the community of this forum for providing me the opportunity to revisit the idea that I *actually* am a sovereign entity. For too long I have submitted to the idea that while government may not be perfect.. they ultimately actually have my best interests in mind. That The_Powers_That_Be value my contributions to the world and that preserving life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is actually the primary purpose of the laws of the land.

I have spent the majority of my life in blissful ignorance because my life has been tolerably unaffected by the world at large. I thought that if I stayed out of the way and didn't attract attention to myself, that the world would leave me alone. I suppose I've been lucky (for the most part) 2 decades (of my "adult" life) to have not been too abused. I used to be one of the non-complaining non-voters... i took society as it was; Avoiding the parts that were of no use to me and minimally interacting with that which remained.

I have now  redefined 'tolerable'. Now I am angry. Now I declare myself sovereign and with that accept the personal responsibility that comes with the declaration. No longer will I use the status quo as a barometer to base my decisions and actions. Having made these statements, I accept that my life is no longer going to be 'easy' by any means. Existing in an occupied country that actively is engaged in multiple wars has never been 'easy' for the civilian population; particularly when that population has been defined and targeted as the enemy.

I will defend my person, property, philosophies and ideals with respect and consideration to my fellow man. Should reasonable attempts be made with unsatisfactory results, I will do it with my life as necessary.

No longer am I a victim to my circumstances or my oppressors. I *AM*... DEAL WITH IT.


Welcome. And good luck. Indeed, ignorance is bliss. There are many days I want to take the red pill and wish I didn't know.


You mean the blue pill... that's the one where you wake up in ignorant bliss and think it was all just a bad dream. I think most folks here have already taken the red pill...

Then again, the only reason most people think the Matrix was just a neat movie is because the Matrix tells them that it was just a movie...  ;D


It takes a brave person to admit you're wrong.  Thanks for the eloquent admission, Graelin.