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Monadnock Beekeepers Association

Started by EthanLeeVita, May 05, 2010, 08:25 AM NHFT

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I know I should have posted this when I first got here, but it slipped my mind with all the Abbie birthday and Topless Tuesday hype, not to mention the excitedness of just getting here.

Background/Request: There are meetings on the first Thursday of every month for Monadnock beekeepers. Usually its in Keene, but this month its in Gilsum, just a bit north of Keen on Highway 10. I was wondering if anyone was interested in either a. going with me or b. lending me a bike to ride up there.

Why: I was hoping to see if I could make some contacts within the beekeepers association. I learned a bit of beekeeping from my grandpa back home and he said there was an anti-government mentalty to a lot of beekeepers. These are in the Live Free or Die state too. I've looked online at some member sites and most appear to be either too commercial or too hobbyist at the moment, but I'm thinking there could be some members who just lack a site or I might be misanalyzing the commercial type. Regardless, my intent is to find a beekeeper I could work with for a bit for some reduced pay and ability to learn some more skill. Eventually, I'd like to get my own hives (200?) with one other person (in case one of us is in jail for whatever reason, we have someone caring for hives) and live off that income as well.



Wow, tomorrow!  Okay, I might be able to get my shit together for this.  It's something I've been curious about but I'm getting conflicting information about how much work and cost is involved.  It's like people try to sell me on how easy it is and then I start hearing about how involved it really is.

Also, the number of hives that are actually sustainable is dependent on how much land is around and how much bloomage there is on that land.  I imagine our shorter growing seasons reduce that a bit too and I know that our harsh winters make it harder for hives to survive.


Its ease depends on several factors, including how many hives. I think 100 hives per person should be enough to live (very) basically on and still allow some free time. I was also thinking of having hives in multiple locations for multiple reasons (hopefully all within convenient location). Anyway, unless someone has the capital to invest in this and I get more confident in my abilities, I see this meeting as mostly a networking opportunity with fellow beekeepers.

And again, I apologize for the late notice. Fortunately, its also 7pm at night so its not like it'll be a day-time event.


I've switched to Friday nights for FTL (with occasional switches back depending on Julia's schedule) so I will actually be free for this tomorrow.


w00t! What time do you want me ready to be picked up to get there? Or do you want to meet at 4:20, help clear out that office (whats status of the desk), and then go? Or something else?


I'm not sure if I'll make 420 tomorrow.  Do you know exactly where we need to go?  How much time does Google Maps say we need?


The New Hampshire Honey Bee
Apiary & Beekeeping Supply Co., LLC
138A Alstead Hill Rd.Gilsum,New Hampshire 03448 USA
John & Alison Solomonides, Proprietors

18 minutes by mapquest: http://www.mapquest.com/maps?1c=Keene&1s=NH&1y=US&1l=42.933601&1g=-72.278603&1v=CITY&2c=Gilsum&2s=NH&2a=138a+Alstead+Hill+Rd&2z=03448-7401&2y=US&2l=43.065536&2g=-72.269389&2v=ADDRESS

Lloyd Danforth

I was excited to find a supplier in NH. The service disabled veteran business on the website is enough for me to look elsewhere.


Dale, my number is the same (and its on my facebook info page) at before, I'm gonna be away from computer for a bit if you figure out when you want to meet at Morgie's place.