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I don't think my twin sister wants to talk to me anymore

Started by Raineyrocks, March 31, 2010, 03:57 PM NHFT

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I miss her so much, this is the longest amount of time we've ever lived this far apart from each other and she doesn't even return my phone calls!  :'(

A couple/few months ago I called her and she didn't call back for weeks and when she did she told me that she purposely didn't call me back because all I do is talk about myself.  Okay, that's fine I can kind of take constructive criticism, (sp?), and we've always been pretty up front with each other so I thought about what she said.  So during that phone conversation, I said, "Lets just talk about you" and I said it very cheerfully because I think she has a valid point.

So I figured, oh goody now she will call me more often or at least return my phone calls at a quicker pace and plus I really do care what's going on with her. 

I called her over 2 weeks ago, left a message on her damn answering machine and nothing!  I found out from my aunt that my sister called her, yes, called my aunt!  My aunt didn't even call her, my sister just called my aunt because she wanted to.   I know what your probably thinking, my sister has the right to do whatever she wants but why, why, why is she not calling me back???

So then I was talking to my oldest daughter a couple of days ago and found out that my sister called her right back after Laura called her, so that hurt.  I wrote my sister an email and asked her why she wasn't calling me and that I felt like a stalker calling her all the time and if she didn't want to talk to me anymore just to let me know.
Do you think she ever responded to my email yet?
Of course not!  That's why I'm whining about it now.
What can I do?   I miss her! :crybaby2:

Lloyd Danforth

Cimminy!  If I ever knew Rainey had a twin, I successfully blocked it out.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on March 31, 2010, 04:32 PM NHFT
Cimminy!  If I ever knew Rainey had a twin, I successfully blocked it out.

You must have blocked it out because I've mentioned her quite a few times on here.  I even posted baby & toddler pictures of us.  I wonder if she mentions me anywhere.  ::)  I can't repost our pictures because right now it would make me even sadder.

We are kind of opposite though except our laugh, our sense of humor, and maybe some other things.  Whenever we say the same thing we put our fingers together and make a zapping noise and say twinzzz.  We pretend that we're getting electrocuted, (sp?), whenever we go under those square sensors at store doors and people look at us weird but we think it's funny.

An old friend of mine in Delmarva couldn't take being with us in the same room for too long, it used to get on her nerves and drive her nuts. ;D


Yay!   My sister called me over the weekend and everything is A-Okay!  ;D

K. Darien Freeheart

The voices nagging at you in the back of your head are always worse than the reality...


   Rainy, are you still in the haunted house?
   How are you?
  Cheryl and I will respond if things are crazy.
   God bless you and yours!

   Ed n Cheryl


Quote from: grasshopper on August 14, 2010, 01:34 AM NHFT
   Rainy, are you still in the haunted house?
   How are you?
  Cheryl and I will respond if things are crazy.
   God bless you and yours!

   Ed n Cheryl

Hi there!  :)   Yup, we're still here but things haven't been as bad as they were.  I still feel a "presence" in many rooms but ,(knock on wood), not anything half as strange as the other stuff that was happening. 
I will definitely let you know if things get weird again, thanks!  ;D